Chapter 24

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Thor appeared in his father kingdom and was hurriedly headed to the throne room.  

Thor yelled once in the throne room holding his bleeding stomach, "Father!"

Odin saw his son injured and quickly got to him.

Odin spoke, "What happen son?"

Thor fell in Odin's arms and spoke while blood was coming out his mouth, "Fa-ther. I failed. *cough* The emperor is Issei."

Odin was shocked to hear his dying son saying the red dragon emperor is Issei.

Odin spoke, "Clam down. What Issei?"

Thor grabbed Odin shirt tightly and spoke, "Issei is alive. He's back! Must warn- others."

"No. You'll be okay." Odin spoke.

"Not much. He's coming. I-" Thor spoke.

Thor started slow his breath then he died with his eyes open. Odin saw his son dead in his arms.

Odin spoke, "Thor. No. Son!"

Odin started let out tears out his eyes seeing his son stabbed by the claws of the red dragon emperor. He swore to kill Issei Hyoudou.

Back in the human world Issei seems to be in a tough spot, He was being hugged by Sona, Rias, Ravel, Kuroka, Le fay, and Naomi. They were in their home after the chaos happened.


After the attack everyone went home except some girls that went to Rias house with a excuse to have a girl talk. Issei himself decided to turn in for the night and take shower before he goes to bed. The ones were in Rias home was Sona, Le Fay Ravel, Kuroka and Naomi.

Rias spoke once they sat down, "Explain girls why we have to need a girl talk?"

Sona spoke," Well to be honest since you are Issei's first lover and Naomi as his second. The reason why is because I want to purse a relationship with Issei."

Then Kuroka spoke, "Same not because I want his kids but I care for him and his delicate heart that my sister did to him."

Ravel, and Le Fay nodded at Kuroka remark.

Rias looks at Naomi and spoke, "What do you say Naomi?"

"Well I don't mind as long he gives the same attention to us." Naomi responded.

Then the girls started to have small talk between themselves mostly about Issei. After ten minutes of talking, Issei walked out the bathroom with shorts on. He didn't realized the girls were still there since he thought they left. 

Issei walked in the living room without care once in the living room he was in front of the girls. Everyone looked at him with a big blush seeing Issei's well tone abs and muscle. Issei was confused by their reactions.

Issei spoke, "Well...I guess. wha."

Issei was pulled by Rias and Naomi to sit on the couch and hugged his arms. Not a minute later the other girls joined in.

End of flashback

Issei spoke, "Why are the girls hugging me Rias?'

"The other girls want to be in your new harem." Rias spoke with a smirk.

"Harem? Uh. Never thought having a new harem." Issei spoke then drift to think of the past.

Kuroka spoke to calm Issei mind, "Yeah a new harem. New harem that your lovers won't leave you like your old one did. You'll be always in our minds or you want us to prove it."

Issei was about to speak then suddenly was kissed by Kuroka, then Sona, Ravel, Rias, Le Fay, and Naomi. He was shock that the girls gave him a kiss. 

Ravel spoke with a smile, "I know you'll make us happy."

Issei was unsure but decided keep them happy since they care for him.

Odin was in a meeting with biblical factions leaders telling them what happened.

Azazel spoke, "No way. Issei is back from the dead."

"Yes is true and my son is dead because of him." Odin spoke.

Sirserks was listening the conversation if he assumes Issei is back it would cause a huge problem because Issei can easily get stronger since he came back from the dead, he could be much stronger than before.

Sirserzks spoke, "The only person can find Issei is Vali and be able to kill him."

"Doesn't Vali waiting for his kid?" Grafia asked.

"True but this matter is urgent. Sooner we deal the problem sooner we will be at peace." Sirserzk responded. 

Michael spoke, "Let's wait for two years."

"Seems the plan." Sirserzk spoke.

Odin shouted, "I will not stand down for two years! Cowards! If no one will go after Issei, I will!"

Odin got out of his chair and teleported to his home in anger. 

Levithan spoke, "I guess he can't bare the lost of his son. He's not thinking clearly."

"There nothing we can do for now." Sirserzk spoke.

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