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*slowly turns in a swiveling chair*

Hello... It's been a long time, hasn't it?

Well, IceSky_ was going on a purge of her old files, found a few old trinkets rotting away in a dark and forgotten corner, and then remembered the tragic ending we left off with. Really, we had such great plans for Liam and the not-so-little drama that comes included with him.

So, deciding that it's tragic to have all of this be wasted, she's here to shove them into the spotlight. They are full of self-indulgence and the occasional cringe, so be warned.

Just a warning, all of what you're about to see if you keep reading was written several years ago. Specifically, the topic of sexual assault appears a few times, and is not handled in a way that it should be. What was done to the four main characters + younger!Liam is not okay, and it should not be so simply brushed aside as was done in this book.

Now, some of Liam's background that never really gets detailed:

He was sexually assaulted by four boys when he was younger. No one believed him about what happened though, so he turned to dark magic to protect himself. When his parents found out about the dark magic, they sent him to a 'dark magic corrector,' someone who would teach him that this was wrong and get him back to light magic. Unfortunately, this corrector was actually a dark magic user and he instead became Liam's mentor.

The mentor vanished with Liam, and the Thorn parents, Caspian and Josephine, never knew what happened to him. Having the baby girls, they stopped looking for him when the girls turned six. They decided to never tell them about magic in hopes of preventing what happened to Liam (in their eyes, what happened was him turning to dark magic) from ever happening to them.

Liam is the real reason behind the deaths of the Thorn parents. This was some twisted version of revenge for not being believed as a kid.

Liam creates and uses inferi as servants. His first inferi were the four boys who assaulted him.

He can also manipulate the shadows around him to a degree. They're somewhat sentient, like pets.

As for where this book was heading...

Liam came to Silverblood purely to cause chaos, using the excuse that he'd finally located his sisters and wanted to reunite. This is bullshit, given that A) he'd always known where they were, because he is Zale's mate, and B) Liam doesn't exactly care for anyone but Zale, so he couldn't really care less if he'd ever seen his family again.

So Liam arrives, starts murdering people and pretending he has absolutely nothing to do with it, and generally having a good time at the expense of everyone else.


Now, remember Nick? Jacob's best friend who threw water balloons at James with him in chapter 22? Yeah, that was a set up for how Nick gets killed. There's a "rogue" attack that's really just Zale sending inferi to attack and let Liam know that he's pissed for this little scheme he pulled without warning. Jacob gets put in danger. Nick, brave little soul he is, throws himself in the way. One of the inferi is a fucking idiot and goes against Liam's rule against harming children. Liam takes notice, therefore, before anyone knows Nick is dead, Liam makes him into an inferius and sends him back to safety.

Moving on!

We head for poorly-done villain-abandoning-his-goals-and-becoming-the-lowest-possible-limit-of-'good'!

After a few more murders by Liam and rising suspicion from the pack, Liam and his inferi/puppets kidnap Sora, Aaliyah, Blake, and Kaine. Now remember the Slade brothers and Zale are cousins? How they grew up together and were all really close? We're pulling on that, and making Zale realize he's been fucking stupid and being the alpha of a pack is bullshit paperwork and everything can be sunshine and rainbows and just fucking dandy if he gives up this revenge thing he has going. Everyone still hates him, but if he's not trying to plot to kill them all still, one less thing to worry about, huh? Not to mention the power that Zale's comes-as-a-package-deal warlock has.

"What about all the fucking trauma Zale gave to the girls?"

What? Who said that? There's nothing that got swept under the goddamn rug for basically the entire story, is there?

(Do not treat torture and assault this way.)

Second to last chapter (one before epilogue) it starts a couple months after Zale and Liam become good and everything is finally rebuilt. We start with Blake saying "say cheese" becuase we are at the girls graduation. And it's in one of the boys POV. And they're all lovey Dovey well, as lovey dovey as Aaliyah will get.

And that is where we ended our planning.

Now, what you're about to read if you so choose to, is:

- One part of Liam murdering a Silverblood wolf for chaos
- Four parts of Zale's and Liam's history
- One long part of Liam's Escape from Hell Extravaganza
- One tiny, incomplete part of post-redemption life [incomplete]

(All parts entirely unedited from how they were when originally abandoned)

(This is mostly just so that Liam's Escape From Hell Extravaganza can be shared, but then I can't leave out everything else)

So, uh... Enjoy?

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