Chapter 3

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Constance's POV

After a few hours, we found ourselves in our hometown.

We didn't shift on the way there to keep our secret from Jacob.

We went to our home to find the door unlocked and all the lights out. Astrid turned on the lights and we went into the dining room.

There was a letter laying on the table that Sora picked up. Before she could open it, Aaliyah pulled it out of her hands.

She opened it and pulled out the paper inside. She stared at it for a few seconds before giving it to me.

I can't read that, she said. Too many words.

I handed it to Astrid.

I can't read it either.

Fine, I'll read it, Sora said.

No Sora, Aaliyah said playfully. Astrid will read it.

Fine, Astrid said. Dear Girls. I don't know where you are but I hope you're OK. You've been missing for three months but you probably already know that. All of us, your family and neighbourhood, have been worried. I wish this was easier to say but... you're parents have passed away. They were involved in a car crash. The other driver was drunk and has to go to court in two days. Wherever you are, I hope you come back soon. From, your Aunt Mandy.

Mandy was our mom's older sister. I remembered the way she would bring us buckets of popcorn for Christmas.

Sora was crying, balling her eyes out. I, Aaliyah and Astrid had blank faces.

That F**ktard, Aaliyah said, p*ssed.

Astrid nodded

"What are you doing? You look like my brothers when they're mind-linking," Jacob said.

I quickly grabbed a pen and some paper, writing ' Sorry. The letter said our parents died.' Jacob looked at it, his face sad.

"I'm sorry. I bet you miss them."

Astrid nodded. She always hid her emotions and wasn't as vocal as the rest of us.

'So how are we curing him?' I wrote.

"Curing who? Me?" Jacob asked. "The guy Zale said the way to get rid of the poison or something is to get the girls to lick me in their other form. What girls and what other forms? It sounds gross."

Aaliyah nodded. Astrid gave a slight cringe. Sora stopped crying, at least for now. Jacob continued.

"Zale said that the poison would make me attack my brothers. It sounds awful, I don't want to hurt my brothers," he said sadly.

How do we do it without him seeing us? Sora asked.

Blindfold him, I replied.

'Jacob, can we blindfold you? We think we know where these girls are and they can help you,' I wrote.

He looked at the message and nodded.

Astrid went and got a scarf and wrapped it around Jacob's eyes. I waved my hand in front of his face to see if there was any reaction. There wasn't.

Aaliyah closed the curtains and we shifted. It was a bit of a tight fit since our animal forms were rather large.

Ready? Sora asked.

We all nodded.


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