Chapter 37 [Incomplete]

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3rd POV

The two hard knocks at the door interrupts the Slade-Thorn family celebration all too soon. Abandoning the large group hug, Blake opens the door to reveal two border guards at the doorstep.

"Sorry for the interruption Sir, but we were alerted of a unauthorized entrance into the territory. When we confronted the man, he told us that he requires the audience of your mates," the first guard explains. At the mention of themselves, all four sisters look at each other in confusion, as if asking if they had been expecting anyone.

From the shadows of the unlit yard, a tall slender figure steps forward to the porch. His eyes a light brown that remind the sisters of their father and although his dark brown hair is lighter, it's the same colour their mother's was.

The strange unfamiliar man and the sisters stood still for what felt like minutes, unsure of how they felt that they knew this person. The stranger's face twists into a mixture of mocking sadness and sarcasm.

"Wow, I'm hurt. I leave for what? 13 years and my baby sisters can't even remember their big brother?! OH!" He dramatically gasps. Everyone now frozen stare at the man who claims to be a Thorn with wide eyes.

"Well, he drips with as much—if not more—sarcasm than all of you combined," is the first thing that comes out of Kaine's mouth.

"Wait a damn minute. We met today. When me and James were a the race tracks his friends and him talked to us!" Aaliyah exclaimed. But that seemed to go unheard by Sora as she questions the man in front of them.

"If you're our brother then where were you all our lives? Hell, where were you when we were fucking kidnapped and experimented on for 5 years?!" Sora questions, her voice going from calm to anger in a matter of seconds. Their so-called brother stood calm, unfazed by Sora's outburst.

"Well, sister darling, may I come in so I can explain?" He asks as if nothing happened. "It's freezing out here and my balls are shrinking by the second, so chop-chop. Decision?" Everyone, including the guards just stare at the straight faced man who just claimed his balls were freezing off without a care in the world.

"U-uh yeah. Go back to your posts you two," Blake says.

The man steps in and shreds his thick winter coat.

"My name is Liam Thorn. I am the first born and only son of Josephine and Caspian Thorn. There are some things I need explain and I know you won't believe me at first but it is the truth. Do you wish for me to continue?" He eyes each of the girls and all four nod for him to continue.

"I hate to break it to you guys but our parents were never human. Neither were you guys," he pauses for a moment.

"What do you mean we were never human? We were experimented on and became shifters. Zale even said we were the first humans to not die during the experiments!" Sora replies confused.

"Actually Sora, he said we were the first to not die. He never said the first humans," Astrid tells her, leaving Sora even more confused.

"What are we? Or what were we, should I say?" Astrid asks.

"Our parents were a witch and a warlock. I am still a warlock. When I first came in I assumed you were still witches but when I actually stepped inside this house I sensed the unbalance within each of you. I could almost feel the exact moment you stopped being witches," Liam explains with a shiver as he feels and hears the breaking of bones echoing through his mind.

"So because of the experiment, their born abilities are gone?" Blake asks, speaking for the first time in a while. Liam nods.

"Witches and warlocks are one with nature, they're in perfect harmony. But whatever was done to the girls destroyed that harmonic balance. Their abilities are gone, unusable, kaput, but the remnants are still there. When you're in a forest you feel at peace, in touch with everything around you and calmed, correct?" He pauses for the sisters responses, that consist of a few mumbling yeahs, "that's mainly due to your witch genetics." He finishes.

"Why did mom and dad never tell us? How come we don't remember you?" Constance asks. Sora starts to rub her forehead and squints in pain.

"Hon, you ok?" Zac asks her. She nods her head yes.

"Yeah, it's just when I tried to think back to when we were kids, I got this massive headache. It's gone now," Sora says.

"That would be the block." Liam stands up, his knee cracks as he does so. He looks at the girls for permission to step forward. They all nod yes.

Liam looks around at the four pairs of mates, a soft sigh passing his lips. "Was this a good idea?" he muses to himself. "Maybe. Maybe not. Only time will tell and she's a secretive bitch."

"Was what a good idea?" Astrid asks, tilting her head curiously.

Liam looks up, a sheepish smile coming to his lips. "You aren't the only ones I'm looking for. See, I've been living on my own for most of the time I've been away. My mentor was killed in a spell gone wrong and not long after, I met my darling little mate. Except a rogue attack separated us and I've no idea where he's gone."

"He?" Aaliyah repeated, a wide grin growing on her lips.

Liam smiled, clearly picturing his mate. "Yes. He's the most beautiful creature I've ever laid eyes on and trust me, I've seen a lot... But I found you and now maybe you can help me look!"


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