History 1: Meeting

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Liam's POV

I give the bartender a flirty smile as I watch him serve a drink to another bar-goer. I can feel the hunger rise within me, creating a thirst that's not so easily quenched.

"Oh bartender," I say softly, smoothly. A voice that never fails to attract my victims.

"What can I get you sir?" he asks as he looks over.

I pretend to think for a second before telling him. "A scotch on the rocks." I pause to read his name tag, "Daniel." I give him a wink that seems to throw him off for a second. I smirk slyly, watching him in amused entertainment. He passes the drink to me and I take a sip of it before smiling at him. "Thank you, darling."

He gives me a hesitant nod before going over to another customer. My eyes leave my victim and turn to my drink as I wonder how to make him scream later tonight. The shadows around me shiver and wave slightly, excited at the idea.

A sudden urge has me looking towards the door blocking the rain of the storm that rages outside. Nothing interesting. How incredibly boring. I glance back at my little pet, only to look back at the door as it bangs open from the wind. A man, drenched from rain and having clearly tried to open the door without drawing attention, stands there. He says nothing, coming inside and closing the door behind him.

"What is it, my darlings?" I muse softly, seeing the shadows around me swarm towards the newcomer.

His cheeks are coloured pink from the cold, brown hair hanging down over deep brown eyes. He looks so beautifully gorgeous, I can't help but want to see that face covered with a thin layer of sweat as he moans under me. How odd; usually I enjoy seeing people scream and covered in blood, not sweat.

Those deep brown eyes meet mine and in the split second they lock onto me, I understand. How unexpected... Never did I think I would have one of their kind.

My shadows start to pull and usher him towards me as I stand up. I walk forward as he tries to figure out what's happening, why he's being pushed forward by some unknown force. Well, unknown for him. My little children are quite forward when they want to be.

My little mate is pushed into my chest, his eyes widening in embarrassment. "O-oh, I'm sorry, I—" He gasps slightly as he meets my eyes.

I chuckle softly and give him a smile you could call predatory. "No, that's quite alright. My good little darlings brought you to me." The shadows around us reach for me, pleased with being called good. "So, darling, are you the type of wolf to learn your mate or skip right to the mating?"

I keep his body close to mine, uncaring of his wet self. My arm wraps around his waist, my other hand cupping his cheek. He looks at me in slight shock and befuddlement, trying to make sense of this situation.

"You're a warlock?" he whispers finally.

"I am. And you," I poke his nose gently, "Are a wolf, my little mate."

His eyes soften ever so slightly, yet there's still a hint of skepticism and untrusting in them. That look sends a shard of anger cutting through me. Who hurt this precious wolf? Who dared lay a hand on him?

"My darlings," I whisper, drawing a confused look from him. "Take us home."

Darkness clouds my vision and a pulling sensation tugs at my body. My little mate's fingers fist themselves in my shirt in understandable fear as he looks around. The darkness clears and we're standing in the living room of my home. The home of my mentor, before he died.

"Don't worry, doll," I whisper softly, taking his hands in mine. "That was shadow travel. It takes a lot of energy, yes, but I wanted privacy. Welcome to my home. Oh, oh dear..."

A wave of black passes my vision as the world spins. My knees feel weak and I end up falling back. My mate catches me quickly, lowering me to the floor. My shadows reach for me, whispering to each other and to me as they swarm us.

"What is it?" my mate asks in fear. "What do you need?"

"Blood," I manage. My vision returns slowly, the dizziness leaving yet I still feel weak. "I need fresh blood to drink."

My mate's eyes widen slightly. "You're a dark magic user."

I manage a nod, allowing myself to plead silently. His lips set into a thin line as he raises his hands. One claw cuts across the back of his other hand and he brings this hand to my mouth, letting me drink his blood. A quiet moan passes my lips at the taste, one of the best I've ever had.

It doesn't take much to quench my thirst. I pull back soon enough to watch as his body heals slowly.

"I don't usually leave my feedings so long," I say, keeping still as my head rests in his lap. "I've been distracted as of late, you see. My mentor recently passed, an accident caused by a spell gone wrong, and I've been trying to figure out what to do. I've nothing but my magic and now you. Who are you, darling?"

"Zale Slade," he murmurs, combing through my hair as my magic dries him and warms him. His subconscious shivers cease, something that brings smiles to both of us, his thankful, mine happy. "I was part of Silverblood pack nearby. They threw me out."

His eyes widen slightly in shock as mine flare red. "Why?" I hiss quietly. "Why throw you out, darling?"

He smiles dryly, looking across the room. "I want the alpha title but my cousin is meant for it. I tried to kill the current alpha and he threw me out."

I smile in a way that could be called half-insane. "Then I suppose that makes you the villain of their story... I love playing the villain. The darkness is so fun. You say the word, darling, and I'll bring you his head."

Zale raises a brow. "No. I want to do this myself. You'll stay with me though, right?"

"Of course, my little wolf," I muse, reaching up to cup his cheek. "I am Liam Thorn and you are stuck with me, whether you want me or not. You have fear of abandonment, darling, I can see that, yet you also interest me. Mates or not, you are mine now and no one gets to lay a hand on you."

My eyes flare red again as my magic enters his mind. I feel him shiver slightly at the unknown feeling, my magic taking root in his mind. A monitor of sorts, to let me reach him like one of the wolves' mind-links.

"You're mine," Zale whispers. "You'll be there for me?"

"Always, my darling. I will slaughter anyone for you. Just say the words."

"You're half-mad," he deadpans.

My smile drops, a hand reaching up to press against my chest in joking offense. "How you wound me, darling. I am half-child as well. My mentor called me insane and I must agree. I warn you now I am a lot to handle."

"I can already see that," Zale replies. "I doubt it's anything I can't handle, Liam. My cousins are a lot to handle and there are four of them."

"I have magic," I say. "Dark magic at that. I need to feed every few days to live."

"Then feed from me," he replies. "Surely some every day can keep you satisfied and if not, it's not hard at all to find a blood bag."

My lips widen into a grin, a laugh escaping me. "You're half-mad too! Oh, this will be fun! I don't need to hide from you! Oh, my beautiful darling, I am never letting you go!"

Zale returns my grin with one of his own. "Never."

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