'The Headline'

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Teenage Girl Sentenced to Life in Prison; Only Request is to Spend One Last Week with Boyfriend.

"Has the jury reached a verdict?"

"Yes, we have your honor."

"On the first count of murder in the first degree, how do you find?"

"We find the defendant, Andreia Harper, guilty."

"On the second count of murder in the first degree, how do you find?"

"We find the defendant, Andreia Harper, guilty."

"I sentence you, on two counts of first-degree murder, to life in prison, with the possibility of parole," The gavel was heavy, its thunderous conviction ringing through the courtroom, "The jury is excused."

The young woman exhaled and instinctively placed her hands behind her back without being asked. She bowed her head and let a small smirk sneak through, followed by slight laughter. A small voice erupted from the front of the courtroom. A chair flipped. A man yelled.


The shout stirred a few souls, but none of the officers. They called the woman to her feet. She obliged. Walking towards the back door of the courtroom, the owner of the voice dashed forward. Despite the guards' attempts to stop him, he made his way to the woman. He flung himself at her, embracing her in a tight hug.

"REI! Don't do this!"

She gazed down at him, "I did the crime. Now I have to do the time, that's just how the justice and criminal system works," she shrugged, "But those bastards are better off dead."

The guard to her left gave a tight jerk on her cuffs. Andreia lifted her head and stared at the judge, who had just risen off the bench.

"Sir, I have a request."

The judge stared; perplexed, "You may speak."

She glanced down at the blubbering man at her feet, "May I request my sentence to begin next week?"

The stragglers in the courtroom fell to sudden silence. After all, it was a baffling and unheard-of request.

"Could you repeat that? I think I heard you wrong."

"No, you heard me just as I intended," she paused before repeating herself, "May I request that my sentence begin next week?"

Newsmen turned their cameras back on. Whispers slowly became more audible as the courtroom buzzed with confusion.

"Such an absurd request."

"She really had the courage to say that?"


Judge Mahan sighed and rubbed his temples, "Now, what makes you think that is something that I should do? Ms.Harper, you know how the law works a little too well. You want me to bend the rules just for you, right?"

She shook her head, "No, it's not that. I would like to spend one last week with my boyfriend."

A voice screamed from somewhere in the room, "BITCH! YOU'RE CRAZY!"

Cameras fluttered around. The boyfriend in question stood up from his crumpled squat on the floor. Out of the melting pot of emotions worn on his face, disbelief and sheer horror bubbled to the surface.

He paused, "Rei...what the hell are you trying to do?"

She nodded toward him in response as the judge came closer, "What makes you suggest this?"

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