W-What the hell happened?!

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[Orion/Alastor POV]


It's been six months since Roxy got here, I'm nearly 7 years old. I woke up with a groan. my whole body was aching for an unknown reason. I got out of my bed and went to get dressed, when none of my clothes fit me... what? I walk to the door and it seems I've grown... significantly... i open the door a crack and call down the stairs.

Orion - "Lilia! can you come to my room for a minute?!"

I go sit back on the bed and cover myself

Lilia - "I'm here, Master Alastor, may I come in?"

Orion - "Yes come in. but don't freak out, okay?"

Lilia comes in and her eyes shoot open

Lilia - "Master Alastor! What happened?!"

Orion - "I don't know what happened. I just woke up like this. Do you think any of Father's clothes would fit me?"

Lilia - "I think so, I'll go get some for you, then we can discuss this predicament with your parents."

Lilia leaves the room to go get a set of clothes from Paul and Zenith's room, while I contemplate what happened... could it be a product of my mana enhancement? maybe it moulded me into a suitable form to wield it's full potential.

Lilia comes back into the room with a set of clothes and sets them on the bed next to me

Lilia - "Put these on, then lets go downstairs"

Lilia leaves the room and closes the door behind her. I put the clothes on and stand up again i walk to the door and gauge my height on the doorframe.

Orion, muttering - "If the door is 6'6" then that means I'm 6'2"... Jesus Christ how am I going to explain this?"

I open the door and head downstairs with Lilia. As I come into the living area I can hear everyone gasp.

Orion - "Good morning Mother, Father, Rudy, Roxy. I might look a... Bit different, but I am Alastor"

Everyone (- Lilia) - "Eh?! How did you get so tall!?"

Orion - "I honestly have no idea... Maybe its my body adapting to everything I have going on? That's the only semi-logical explanation I can think of."

Rudy - "Alastor, do you think that'll happen to me as well?"

Orion - "I cant say no to the possibility of it, but all I can say is that it'll be very unlikely"

I rub Rudy's head, and Roxy looks away from me with a slight blush. I summon a water ball to look at my reflection, when I noticed that I had mostly obtained the looks from my old body, same face, same body build, except I was a few inches taller, and my hair stayed a blond-ish colour.

[Timeskip to night time cos author is bad and cant think of much more]

so Rudy has gotten to confidently using intermediate magic now, according to Roxy, and they've started night-time lessons... In Roxy's room, which is next to mine. I can hear every word and can't sleep as a result, so I decide to go knock on Roxy's door.

Orion - "Can I come in? I want to talk, and maybe help."

Rudy/Roxy - "Come in."

Rudy - "Anyway, I'm surprised. This world has spirits and demons in it, too, huh?"

Roxy - " Of course it does. Oh, I'm a demon myself, by the way."

Orion - "No wonder everyone was surprised to see you then."

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