Legends never die (Finale)

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[Orion/Alastor POV] [Timeskip 10 years]

It's been ten years since I set up the shipyard here on the east coast... And to say it was successful would be a major understatement, upon the foundations of the port, a city arose, the port city of New Edinburgh. And to the south of it, the mining city of New Stirling also came into existence, to satisfy the material demands of the city to the north. And so came into existence, The Kingdom of Scotland, named and headed by myself. now the question remains, how did an engineer become a king? Simple, the people decided upon it. Also during this time, Paul sent Norn for me to train, as she wasn't picking up magic as quick as Aisha, me, and Rudy did, that was around nine years ago and she's been slowly learning my techniques ever since, including mana enhancement, however she did not take to conventional magic. However she left last year after completing the training. Anyway, enough catching you guys up, onto the actual writing! also here's an updated map

I'm woken up one morning by a thunderous roar, scrambling out of bed I dash outside, and notice a pillar of light over the western horizon

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I'm woken up one morning by a thunderous roar, scrambling out of bed I dash outside, and notice a pillar of light over the western horizon. As I head back in, I hear Sprite calling for me, so I find my phone and ask what's wrong, and her only reply was to play video of Rudy, Eris, Orsted, Ruijerd, Norn, Aisha, Roxy, Ghislaine and Paul, as well as a few others I don't know, about to be killed by Hitogami.

Orion - "How the fuck did he get out of the abyss?!"

Quickly suiting up in my old gear from back when we circled the world, I remove the Star Saber from it's decorative casing and create a portal above the battlefield as music begins to play all over the world.

Running into the portal I enter freefall, flaring mana enhancement to 200% and aiming myself at Hitogami, I slam him into the ground as I land. Jumping backwards to check on everyone, I ask a question.

Orion - "What the fuck is going on here?!"

Eris/Rudy - "Orion?"

Orsted - "What's going on is another discrepancy in the timeline. He's here to kill us all."

Orion - "I can see tha-"

I'm cut off by Hitogami Dashing at me, and me blocking in the nick of time.

Orion - "Alright then. Let's dance, Bitch"

Rudy - "Orion! You can't match him!"

Kicking Hitogami off the Star Sabre, I say one more thing before completely focusing on combat.

Orion - "Orsted, Norn, Protect the others."

I dash to where Hitogami landed and swing at him. Hitogami Tries to block my swing with his arm, however I cleave his forearm and hand clean off, and the energy wave knocks him back. Holding my hand down towards Hitogami's severed arm, I use raw fire magic to incinerate it, then cast Tempest, Cumulonimbus, and Absolute Zero to create a raging ice storm to distract Him. 

Barely able to react, I attempt to block with the star sabre, which shatters on impact, and I get sent flying into the side of a mountain. As I get to my feet I notice him dashing at me, so I counter his attack with my own, a simple punch in the face. 

An Engineer's second chance (Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation x OC)Where stories live. Discover now