Two Down

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You're at your weekly family dinner at Malfoy Manor, you're at Malfoy Manor a lot more than once a week but these dinners are a tradition. You've been doing them for as long as you could remember. You've been friends with Draco Malfoy for as long as you could remember. You two always had fun together, but you're not in the mood for fun right now, or for this dinner, or people in general. The best part of dinner was when you got to leave the table

You head up to Draco's room just like you always do on dinner nights, it's the best way to avoid all the boring talk that your and Draco's parents have

You fall backwards onto Draco's bed as he shuts the door behind you two "Hmm...accio Malfoy's diary" Draco's diary floats towards your hand and right before you can grab it Draco leans over your body and snatches it

"Haha you're SO funny y/l/n" Draco says as you giggle

Your mood didn't stay cheery for long and Draco noticed

"So what's your problem now"

You look down at your hands then back up "Ron broke up with me"

"Oh? That's it?"

"Draco" you say in a stern tone

"I'm sorry but you chose to date a weaslebe and it is my right to make fun of that"

"Draco I'm serious, I don't date people at the random hoping to get a quick shag in like you do" Draco scowls at you, you continue in a somber tone looking down "I pick people that I believe will always be there for me...with me...I pick people where I will always be their first choice"

Draco looks at you with a softness in his eyes as you continue

"I thought Ron would be the one...but then he left me" you look up at Draco with anger and tears in your eyes "For Granger of all people"

Most people look at Hermione Granger as this innocent rule following genius when in reality she is the mastermind behind every scheme her and that little golden trio come up with. She's not a genius, in fact your's, Draco's, and Theo's (Theodore Nott, one of your best friends) owls scores were higher than her's but everybody is blinded by her good girl act and you and Draco know it

You blink and tears fall down your cheeks, Draco quickly wipes them away with his thumbs and keeps his hands on your face

"Don't start crying or becoming angry over them you and I both know they're a waste of your time y/n" Draco removes his hands from your face and places one on your knee as he continues "besides we're starting back to school in 3 weeks, you can just find someone better then" he says rolling his eyes in disgust at the thought of that Weasley

"Now, get off my bed" Draco says as he pushes you off the bed slow enough so that you don't hit the floor

"Ugh" you say as you get off the bed and begin to pace the room in front of Draco's bed

Draco accios an apple, green of course, and begins to eat it as you pace the floor

"First you take over my bed and now you're going to ware a whole in my floor"

You stop pacing and grip the end of Draco's bed frame, you lean in as you start to speak

"I only have three tries at this"

Draco "Come again?" he said looking confused

"I'm only allowing myself three tries to find the one I will spend my life with" you pause and take a deep breath sighing it out "when you come from family's like ours you don't allow multiple chances for people to enter your life like that..."

Draco wanted to make fun of her but he knew he couldn't, he knew she was right and that's why he's never had a serious relationship

"I dated Blaise and-" you pause letting the grief of your fresh break up surface again "Ron...I have one attempt left at love and I am not going to be rash with it...I'll end up sad and alone with Knox if I have to"

Knox is your black cat familiar. You've had him since you were a child when found him in a meadow you used to frequent by your manor. When you were younger you wanted to be a magizooligst so naturally you took him home...those were much simpler times. Heading into your 6th year of hogwarts it's only natural that your goals have changed, now you want to become an Auror like Draco. Draco's always known he wanted to be an Auror ever since he was little but you're the only person that knows that because in Draco's words "A Malfoy, working as an Auror? That's demented. My father would kill me", so it's been yours and Draco's secret for the longest time. He was thrilled when he found out you wanted to become one too, you guys have been studying together ever since

"Look" Draco says breaking your train of thought "Don't let your year be consumed by finding a partner, you're built for bigger things than just being somebody's wife" he sighs squeezing his eyes shut before opening them to look at you "besides we both have family things to deal with anyways" he says not elaborating but giving you a look.

You know what he means pure blood parties, elaborate schemes to raise the pure blood families to power roles, and the worst part of it...dealing with the fall out of the whole lord Voldemort situation. The Malfoy's were the only family directly connected to the whole thing but everybody has always suspected the rest of your friend groups families were involved...they were, but Draco got the worst of it, it's only a miracle that none of you had to be branded with the dark mark

You look at Draco with a sad look in your eyes, you wish everyday that you could do more to take his pain away but being his best friend will just have to do

Draco notices you staring at him, his pained expression hardening into a look of indifference "It's late, go to bed, you get mean when you're tired"

Draco always does this when he's sad, he deflects so he doesn't have to talk about his feelings, and you know it

"Okay" you say nonchalantly as you crawl over the footboard to Draco's bed flop down next to him

"No, no no no, we're not doing this tonight, nope" Draco says as he tries to push you off the bed

You push closer to Draco and look up at him with your signature puppy dog eyes "Goodnight" you say innocently

Draco rolls his eyes and turns his head away from you to smile "Goodnight pest"

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