Pretty Boy Hufflepuff

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It has been 2 weeks since the party and you're pretty much back into the flow of school. Your classes have increased in difficulty since that first week but it's nothing you can't handle.

You've been assigned a new partner in Care of Magical Creatures and you've taken quite the liking to him. His name is Cedric Diggory, he is a 7th year Hufflepuff and is quite popular among the girls in your year

"Okay, I've prepared the magizoology bag with a brush, beast food, and human snacks just in case we get hungry" Cedric says smiling at you when mentioning the snacks he packed

"Thank you, you didn't have to do all that by yourself I could have helped" you say feeling bad Cedric did all the work of packing

"It's okay really, you can help later by keeping me awake. It's going to be a long night" he says chuckling

You smile at him and exchange goodbyes as the class ends. You head back to your room to change before dinner. You go through your drawers to find a hoodie to wear for tonight since you predict it will be cold. While looking for a hoodie you come across the one Draco gave you and smile, you touch the hoodie and consider wearing it but opt for the solid green one with a Slytherin emblem next to it. Wearing another guys hoodie around the guy you like is not the best decision especially when you're already having mixed feelings about him in the first place. You sigh and grab the green hoodie before shutting the drawer

Once in the great hall you take your normal seat next to Draco and begin eating.

"Pansy, I almost forgot to tell you but I have a Care of Magical Creatures assignment tonight so I won't be back until late" you say between bites

"Ohhh, I think I heard about that in the common room. You're capturing a Mooncalf, correct?"

"Yes, we have to capture a male and a female with our partner"

"Who's your partner?"

"Cedric Diggory" you say smiling down at your plate

"Pretty boy Hufflepuff?" Draco scoffs

"He's actually very sweet-" you say before getting cutoff by Pansy

"And hot" Pansy says attempting to finish your sentence

"Hey" Blaise says elbowing Pansy "Not cool"

"Just because he's hot doesn't mean I'm in love with him Blaise" Pansy says rolling his eyes

"Oh? So that means your in love with me" Blaise says smirking at Pansy

"In your dreams" Pansy replies sassily

"You're right, I dream about it all the time" Blaise says placing his arm around Pansy's shoulders

"You're stupid" she's days blushing and looking down

You're glad the subject got changed. You don't really like making your love interests the topic of conversation, and for some odd reason you felt weird bringing it up in front of Draco. You talk to him about everything, you were even talking to him about this subject just a few weeks ago, odd.

You finish eating and head outside to meet at Hagrid's hut before heading into the valley.

"Are you ready?" Cedric asks pulling out his wand to cast Lumos

"Very ready" you say excitedly casting Lumos as well

You set out on your assignment and return 2 hours later laughing lightheartedly with two Mooncalf's in your Magizoology bag

"I still can't believe you scared them all away by tripping on a tree root" Cedric says laughing while recalling you unfortunate incident earlier that night

You laugh with a slight blush of embarrassment

"Well I can't believe you had to chest dive into mud just to collect your Mooncalf, at least I stayed on two feet" you say with mock superiority

He smiles at you and you smile back. Cedric begins to say something but is cutoff by Hagrid's closing statements

"Now that all ye have collected yer male and female Mooncalf's each partner group will exchange males with the group next to ye. Does anybody want ta take a guess at why we're doin this?"

You raise your hand

"Yes y/n"

"For breeding, we most likely collected a brother and sister from the same den but we all had to go to different dens so by trading males we will have opened the opportunity for breeding"

"That is exactly right miss y/l/n"

"I was going to say that" Cedric whispers leaning in close to you

"Well I said it first Diggory" you say with a smirk

"Students we will be doing a breedin project with Mooncalf's in these upcomin weeks, so please don't forget to check up on em and make sure they're cared for. Dismissed"

You start to walk away but Cedric stops you

"Y/n, I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me this weekend"

You smile at Cedric before responding

"I would love to" you say tucking a piece of hair behind your ear

You walk back to the castle with Cedric and part ways halfway between your common rooms. Once you get into bed you immediately fall asleep

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