The Hoodie Debacle

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It's been two weeks since your date with Cedric and your incident with Draco. You haven't talked to Draco as much as you'd like in the last two weeks, but you still take your normal spot next to him during meals. You think he can tell that somethings wrong, you stopped by to see him maybe twice in the last two weeks and that's most definitely not normal for you. You just can't be around him right now without sorting out your feelings, it's all so complicated. Speaking of feelings, your feelings for Cedric have flourished in these past weeks. You two have learned more things about each other and he is seemingly perfect for you...which makes you worry. You don't want to make it official with Cedric yet because Ron was seemingly perfect for you as well and look how that turned out.

"There's a quidditch match tomorrow, I expect you all to be there no excuses" Draco says point at all of you before taking a bite of his biscuit

You're all currently in the Great Hall for breakfast. Pansy and Blaise are flirting, nothing new there although they have gotten more touchy lately. Theo and Draco are talking about the upcoming quidditch match against Hufflepuff, you have a vague idea of what they're saying. You've never been into quidditch but you do love flying, you're very agile on a broom. You've beat Draco in tons of races, and even considered joining the cross valley racing team. You're schedule, sadly, never allowed for extracurriculars though so that's why you never joined

"We're going to smoke those badgers, they'll be crying all the way back to their common room" Theo says pounding his fist into his open palm

"That's a little aggressive don't you think Theo?" you asked him

"Nope, we're most definitely going to end them" Theo replies in a cheery tone with a fake smile

"Okay bludger boy, whatever you say" Theo gives you a look of disdain, dropping his fake smile

Theo earned the nickname bludger boy when he took a bludger to the head in the final seconds before the game ended 3 years ago. He isn't a very good beater but they have nowhere else to put him. Draco is the one who really carry's the team. He's a seeker, the best one in our school. This isn't great for Cedric who is the captain and seeker of the Hufflepuff team, you're actually quite worried about todays match.

"Y/n leave the poor boy alone" Blaise says snickering at the nickname you called Theo

"Yeah leave him alone, we need him functioning today" Draco says seriously but you can tell he wants to laugh too

"I for one think she should torture the living hell out of him" Pansy says shooting a look to Theo with her eyebrows raised

Theo pouts and you all laugh. Once you finish breakfast you start to head towards your first class of the day, Herbology. The class went by quick, nothing special. You start to make your way to potions, you meet Draco halfway there and walk the rest of the way together.

Snape gives you your assignment, brew a wiggenweld potion and you and Draco begin to work in silence

"Hey, I have a question" he says nudging you

"Hmm?" you say giving him a quick glance before continuing to grind up some Dittany leaves

"Will you wear my hoodie to tomorrow's game, it would mean a lot to me" Draco says in a soft tone, looking at you as you work

Draco has been feeling the effects of your closeness with Cedric lately and it's getting to him. He won't admit that it's jealousy but deep down he knows. He wants to see you wearing his name because you're his, you've always been his. You're his longest running friend, his best to him you're something more he just doesn't have the strength to admit it yet

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