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"That was a weak game, you guys need to do better" Draco says scolding his quidditch team "Our final game is against Gryffindor in a week and I'll be damned if I loose to that Saint Potter"

You're sitting on the grass by the stands watching the guys practice. It's just you this time because Pansy had a potions lab to finish. You're honestly quite bored but you have to act like you're taking an interest to boost morale. You and Draco haven't talked about what happened at the party and it's been bothering you all week, it's all you can think about

"Bored yet?" Draco asks

You jump at the sound of his voice. You didn't notice him approaching you

"Merlin Draco, you scared me" you say taking a deep breathe

Draco laughs at your reaction

"I'm not bored this is the most interesting thing I have ever seen in all my years if living" you say in an overly sarcastic voice

"Okay I get it, no need to be sarcastic" he smiles at you and offers his hand

You take his hand and he pulls you up off the grass. You dust yourself off before dramatically wiping  your hand on your robe

"Ew you're sweaty" you say disgusted

Draco rolls his eyes "Did you not just see me practice for an hour"

"I saw you fumble around for an hour" you say sassily "You looked a little slow" you add for good measure

"Like you could do any better"

"Wanna bet?" you say say getting close to him

"Bet" he says leaning in closer your face

Draco immediately turns around and you follow, you knows what's happening. You and Draco are going to race. You almost always beat him,  you don't know why he even tries anymore

"Accio my broom" you say as you head to the starting line

"Okay racers, take your places" Theo says in a voice like an announcers

You and Draco take your places at the starting line

"Brooms up" Theo says easing his hands up dramatically 

You call you broom up and so does Draco

"Mount" Theo says seriously, which makes you and the team laugh

You both mount your brooms and prepare for take off. You look over at Draco one last time before the race begins, he's smirking at you


You and Draco speed off of the quidditch pitch and begging to race your normal route. You fly through the trees of the forbidden forest and wrap around to the black lake. You have to fly over the swamp to make it back to the quidditch pitch and just as you're about to clear the swap you look back to gloat at Draco, who is loosing, and you hit a tree branch. You got knocked into a giant mud pit and Draco comes to a screeching halt

"Are you okay!?" Draco asks jumping off of his broomstick before his feet could even touch the ground

You try to wipe the mud out if your eyes but it's no use, you're haves are covered with it too

"I'm great" you say coughing

Draco wipes the mud from your face and eyes with his cloak

"Are you hurt?"

"Just my pride" you say truthfully

Draco offers you a hand and you take it. He pulls you out of the mud and you almost fall over due to the weight of your clothes

Third Times A Charm (Draco Malfoy x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now