Rocky Start

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~3 Weeks Later~

School has finally begun again, you just arrived at the castle after a long train ride and you're eager to get set up in your dorm. You have the same roommates you've had for the last two years, you don't mind them all that much...well, except for Astoria Greengrass. That girl has been insufferable ever since Draco shagged her in the fifth year, he's all she talks about and your sick of hearing it

Draco dosnt have to be annoyed with roommates like you do, his parents demanded the headmaster give him his own dorm, everybody knows why. Ever since Voldemort parents would complain to the headmaster about their children sharing a dorm with Draco, he's been alone ever since. He used to always room with Theo and Blaise but they still visit him in his private dorm everyday, as do you when you have the chance. Sometimes you even sleep there to get some peace and quite from your roommates and to study with Draco into the late hours of the night but mainly you go because you know he's lonely...

Once you finish unpacking you head down to the great hall to meet your friends for dinner

"Y/n over here" Pansy and Blaise call to you at the same time

They give each other a look, a "you're reading my mind" type of look as they laugh at their connectedness. They've had a crush on each other since forever which you don't mind  because you dated Blaise in the first year

"Hey guys" you speed-walk over to them smiling

You bend down to give Pansy and Blaise a hug

"Where's my hug?" Theo asks pretending to be hurt

"And mine?" Draco says matching Theo's tone

You bend down to give Theo a hug before taking your seat beside Draco, ignoring his request

"Well that was cold hearted of you y/l/n" Draco says turning his nose up in the air and facing away from you

"Have you always been this whiny or is that a new development?" Before he can get a word in you answer for him "Wait no, it's always been like this, my bad" you say shrugging off the comment

"I hate you" Draco says suppressing a smile while rolling his eyes

"I love you too" you reply smugly 

You begin to eat dinner as Dumbledore does his regular beginning of year announcements. Once the sorting ceremony begins you find yourself growing bored. You absentmindedly start scanning the room for potential love interests, a few peak your interest but none that you know well enough to make an effort with.

Draco snaps his fingers in front of your face

"Hey, toad for brains" he whispers "What are you looking for?"

His snap brings you out of your thoughts

"Wow, toad for brains? That's rich coming from somebody who thinks with his not so magic wand" you say looking down and back up to meet Draco's eyes

The look of disdain on his face causes you to laugh a little too loud as some students at the Slytherin table turn to look at you

"Oh shit" you say as you shrink down into the table hoping that makes you less noticeable

"Karma is a bitch y/n" Draco says patting you on the back

Once the sorting ceremony is done Dumbledore releases all students to their dorms for the night

You still feel the embarrassment of your laughing outburst but you're thankful that you didn't have to answer Draco's question. He would find it pathetic that you're already looking for another relationship, but luckily you dogged that bullet....or so you thought

"So, what were you looking for back there" Draco says coming up behind you

You jump slightly, scared by his sudden appearance

"Nothing important"

"Really? Something so unimportant that you ignored the sorting ceremony?"

"Anything is more important than the sorting ceremony when it's not your own" you reply matter of factly  

"Ha ha" Draco says sarcastically "But seriously what were you looking for you seemed pretty focused"

You know he won't give up on asking so you decide to just get the teasing over with now "A boyfriend"

Draco was silent he didn't tease you or even laugh, he just walked in silence

"What, no teasing? No witty remark about how I'm a hopeless romantic with a stupid mission to find the love of my life in three tries?" You were sure he would use that against you, but he didn't. He didn't say anything

He finally replied after some time

"I'm just disappointed is all" he pauses "I told you you were made for bigger and better things than just being somebody's wife y/n, yet here you are searching for a boy on the first day back"

You were taken aback by his strong feelings on this topic, Draco never medals in your personal life like this...what's gotten into him?

"You also said that I could find somebody better than Ron once school starts" you look at him with your eyebrow raised "Did you not?"

He presses his lips together before he speaks "I guess I do recall saying that, yes"

"Okay, then let it be" 

You turn to walk again but you see Draco scowl out of the side of your eye

"Draco if you're worried about me getting hurt, don't. I'm going to be careful, this is my last chance and I'm not going to waste it you know that. So don't be mad about it"

The only reason you started looking for a relationship so early on is because it's your last year here at hogwarts with people you've known for years. Out in the wide wizarding world it's harder to get to know peoples character, it takes many attempts and that is a luxury you can not afford. On top of that you're lucky your parents aren't forcing you into an arranged marriage the second you move on from hogwarts, but you know they will if you don't marry within their timeframe...yet another reason why your philosophy is three tries or love dies. An arranged marriage is easy, the guy will already know about your family baggage and most likely come with the same baggage...real love is hard, the person has to accept your situation as it is because of you and you alone. Ugh, why can't love be easy (why can't you come from a different family)

You eventually make it to your common room without another word exchanged between you and Draco

Draco walks you to your dorm and you open the door about to enter when you pause

"You never responded to what I said Draco" you say waiting for an answer to the last stamens you made

He speaks after a moment "I get it y/n it's your life and I won't medal in your affairs, honestly I could care less how your love life goes as long as you make it into the ministry" he says giving a half smile

You smile and release a breath of relief

You two stand there for a second before Draco notices your eyes wander from his. He looks behind himself to see you staring at a seventh year Slytherin with dark brown hair and a visible six pack doing push-ups on the common room floor. Draco scoffs and turns back to you

"He's hot" you say without thinking

Draco pushes you into your dorm room with one hand "Stop drooling" he says rolling his eyes before shutting the door

You close your eyes and shake your head at Draco's behavior before heading off to get ready for bed

You can already tell this year is going to be a lot

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