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This is it, today is the day you get your O.W.L's scores back. You're extremely nervous but there's nothing you can do about it now, you just have to wait and see

You wake up early, unable to sleep in due to stress. You get up, shower, get dressed, and do some stretches all without waking Draco. You go to get back in bed just as Draco opens his eyes

"Good morning beautiful" he says reaching out to touch your face

"Good morning handsome" you smile at him placing your hand over his on your face

"Looks like you've been up for a while" he says looking you up and down

"Couldn't sleep" you say nervously

"O.W.L's?" he questions

"Yeah" you say taking in a deep breath

"We get the results in a couple of hours, try to relax until then"

You nod in acknowledgement. Draco gets out of bed and stretches before heading to shower

You take the alone time to collect your thoughts and lower your expectations. You don't want to have a break down in front of everyone if your results aren't what you want them to be, but it's likely you'll have one anyways

Draco gets out of the shower and walks into the room to grab his clothes. Water is dripping off of his hair and body. You jokingly cat call him and he flexes his muscles

"Like what you see" he says smirking

"Always" you blow him a kiss

You both laugh and Draco goes to the bathroom to get dressed

Once Draco is dressed you and him have a quiet moment together cuddling in the bed before you head to the great hall for breakfast

You hardly eat you're so nervous. You're just waiting for the announcement that breakfast is over you can go in with your day. Results are given after dinner tonight so you have the whole day to wait

You don't have classes anymore so you and Draco decided to go to Hogsmeade for one last memory as Hogwarts students

You first head to Brood and Pecks to greet the animals one last time and pick up some supplies for your toad. You then stop to get lunch at The Three Broomsticks, you order Mac and cheese of course and Draco shares with you. You end the afternoon with a walk through the woods and down by the lake. By the time you get back to the castle it's dinner time

You don't touch your dinner at all. You watch as the food starts disappearing and Dumbledore approaches the podium

"Dinner is now over but students are not to be dismissed until O.W.L's results are handed out. I will call up students by name in order of year, beginning with first years" Dumbledore states

You wait anxiously for over an hour for Dumbledore to get to the 7th years you hear familiar names being called

"Pansy Parkinson"

"Theodore Nott"

"Cedric Diggory"

"Harry Potter"

"Draco Malfoy"

"Neville Longbottom"

"Blaise Zabini"

"Ronald Weasley"

"Hermione Granger"

"Cho Chang"

"Y/n Y/l/n"

You hear your name and your feet begin to move on their own. Your hands shake as you grab the scroll from Dumbledore's hands

"Congratulations" he says

You nod in acknowledgement and quickly hurry to your friends. You get to them and notice nobody has opened their scrolls

"Were you guys waiting for me?"

"Yeah, we do everything together, you know that" Pansy smiles

The others nod

"We should get out of here first" Theo suggests

You agree and you all start to head to the courtyard outside. You think this is an odd choice instead of going back to the dorms but you don't object, you're too nervous to say anything

"Let's all go one by one" Draco suggest

Everyone agrees and Draco volunteers to go first. He opens his scroll and reads his results out loud

"11 outstanding and one expectation" Draco says slightly disappointed in his last score but he quickly gets over it

Passing grades go from outstanding to expectation to acceptable and Draco did amazing for how many classes he had. You give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Next up is Pansy

"7 acceptable and one expectation" Pansy says shrugging to say her grades we're good enough for her

Blaise gives Pansy a side hug and utters praises to her. Next is his turn

"4 outstanding 5 expectation and 1 acceptable" Blaise nods as if he expected to do that well

"Congrats Blaise, now it's my turn" Theo says eagerly opening his scroll "5 acceptable and 1 expectation! Hell yeah" Theo expected to fail so to him this was good enough

Now it was your turn and you can heart your heart beating in your ears. You shakily untie the bow on your scroll and open it. Your jaw drops

"12 outstanding, oh Merlin!" you yell

It's as if a weight was lifted off of your shoulders, you can't believe you did outstanding in everything especially because you were taking 12 classes

You jump for joy and all of your friends hug you and celebrate with you, except for Draco. You're confused as to why he isn't hugging you right now. You realize he isn't even in front of your right now. You turn around to look for him behind you and you find Draco kneeling on one knee. You hands immediately shoot to your mouth

"Draco-" you tear up

Draco pulls out a box and opens it. Inside the box is an engagement ring containing a marquise shaped diamond surrounded by tiny emeralds with a goblin metal silver band

"Y/n, I have known you my whole life. We have been best friends since we were in diapers. I know everything about you from your favorite color to your dreams and even your nightmares just as you know everything about me. A day hasn't gone by where I don't think about you. Everywhere I look I am reminded of you. You've been molded into my everyday life. Ever since the age of 7 I couldn't look at a rose and not think of you, because they've always been your favorite. I can't imagine not having you in my life, nothing would ever be right again. I love you more than words could ever describe but maybe actions will? That is why I am down on my knee ring in hand asking, you to marry me..."

You begin to cry ugly tears

"So what do you say bug, will you marry me?"

"Yes, of course I will marry you Draco" you manage to get out between sobs. You give Draco your hand and he places the ring on your finger. As soon as he's done he gets up and hugs you, spinning you around in a circle. Your friends cheer and clap behind you. You and Draco share a passionate love filled kiss before turning to your friends and giving them hugs too. Nothing could've made this night better than getting engaged to your best friend, you will never forget this moment

~6 months later~

"As you all may know there's has been an unusual magic disruption as of late. Goblins have found a way to harness the magic of wizardkind and they are torturing the villages surrounding Hogwarts. I am officially assigning our best Auror's to this case. Mr and Mrs Malfoy here is your debriefing" the head minister hands you and Draco a scroll

"Thanks you head minister, we won't let you down" you say before bowing and walking out of the room hand in hand with Draco

"Hey, do you think we'll have time to grab a Butterbeer beforehand?" Draco says smiling down at you

"Absolutely" you smile up at him

A/N: That's all folks, I hope you enjoyed

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