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You wake up the next day with the worst headache of your life. You look around to find yourself in Draco's room, he's still asleep. You get up slowly to make sure you don't get dizzy and make your way to the bathroom. You splash cold water on your face which seems to help your eyes focus better. You look in the mirror, you look like shit. Your hair is a mess, your eyes have dark circles and...that's not your hoodie

You look down to find yourself wearing Draco's quidditch hoodie. The hoodie is grey with Slytherin embroidered in green down one sleeve and Draco Malfoy 7 embroidered down the other, 7 being his quidditch number.

Seeing yourself in his hoodie makes you smile, being encased in his scent is comforting to you. But surely you're thinking this way because he's your best friend, you've been in his hoodies a ton of times. This time is no different, right?

You shake these thoughts out of your head and exit the bathroom. You quietly collect your shoes and exit his dorm making sure to softly shut the door. Once you're back to your own dorm you decide to take a shower, you smell like puke, gross.

You exit the shower and get dried off, you brought a change of clothes into the bathroom with you but your eyes keep wandering to Draco's hoodie. You decide to put his hoodie back on and a pair of black leggings.

You take a deep breath in and the scent of mahogany, apples, and mint, fills your senses. You feel warm, you're so confused and it's making your head hurt worse. You decide to blame everything on the alcohol and go to bed.

You awake 3 hours later to Pansy entering the room in the dress she wore last night.

"Where have you been?" you ask groggily sitting up slowly

"I slept in the Room of Requirement" she paused "With Blaise"

Your jaw drops

"Wait. You slept or you slept" you say winking on the second slept

"We slept y/n, you know the vital thing you need to live, sleep" she says defensively

"Okay okay, jeeze" you say laughing "So, how did that come to be"

"Well we started dancing together pretty late into the night and we lost track of time. We decided that we were too tired to walk back to our dorms so we just slept on the couch"

"Awww, you're finally getting somewhere" you say in a teasing tone

"Haha so funny" Pansy says as she pulls a change of clothes out of her chest

"So, did you leave room for Merlin while dancing?" You ask Pansy as she heads to the bathroom

"A lady never tells" Pansy says turning her head to you and winking over her shoulder as she enters the bathroom and shuts the door

You shake your head and laugh but immediately regret it when a surge of pain hits your head. You groan and lay back down, you quickly fall asleep again

The next time you awake you find Draco sitting in a chair next to your bed, Pansy is nowhere to be found. Seeing Draco staring at you makes you jump a bit but you quickly relax again

"How long have you been there?" you say attempting to sit up

"I just got here a few minutes ago" he says placing a pillow behind your head as you sit up

Lies. Draco's been in that chair for 30 minutes, he just didn't have the heart to wake you. He's always thought you looked so peaceful when you slept but now he takes into account more of the details about you. How you mumble in your sleep, how your nose twitches and your eyebrows furrow when you're having an unpleasant dream, he even took into account how you like to grab your pillow when you sleep on your side

"How are you feeling?"

"Like shit" you say blankly

"Yeahh, looks like you feel like shit" he says pretending to look you up and down

"Go fuck your self" you say hitting him with a pillow

Draco catches the pillow puts it on top of your stomach. He lays his arms crossed in the pillow then lays his head on his arms

You look down at him and really study his features, his hair falls perfectly on his forehead when he lays down. His grey eyes shift colors a bit as you turn your head, like a storm cloud getting ready to thunder. His skin is pail but lively and his lips are pink and slightly chapped. You absentmindedly reach down and move the hair back from his face, he looks up at you with a curious look on his face

You quickly move your hand away from him and clear your throat

"So, what happened last night" you say trying to distract from the previous moment, but apart from that you really are curious about last night

You don't remember most of it just that Ron was there and you were drunk

"Well, Weasley was there and you came to yell at me about it" you get a look of 'yeah, sorry' on your face and he continues speaking "We talked about it a little and then Astoria interrupted you" you roll your eyes and make a noise of disgust at the mention of her name

"I vaguely remember she was trying to get in your pants" you say in an annoyed tone

"What? Are you jealous?" Draco says smirking

You look away from him embarrassed

"No, just disgusted" you say pretending to throw up

Draco shakes his head and continues

"Anyways, after Astoria you went and got drunk and started dancing with some guy" Draco sounded annoyed as he mentioned the guy you danced with last night "He was being too touchy and wouldn't let go so I punched him, you got dizzy and I carried you back to the common room"

"You carried me all that way?" you say with a little smile, the thought of Draco doing that was heartwarming

"Yeah well I couldn't just leave you" Draco says shrugging it off

"You could have but you didn't, thank you" you say looking avoiding eye contact and fiddling with your thumbs

Draco gives a little smile that you don't see before continuing

"I don't need a thank you just a new shirt"

"What?" you say confused

"When I was carrying you back you threw up on me"

Your wyes widen and your mouth opens, you're mortified

"Oh Merlin I am so sorry Draco" you say as you proceed to cover your face with your hands

Draco laughs at your embarrassment

"It's fine really, I'm not worried about the shirt, I'm just glad you're safe and somewhat healthy"

You look at him and then close your eyes smiling

"You're a good person Draco" you say giving him a look of reassurance

You like to remind him of this any chance you get, you hope it helps to remind him that what he had to do for Voldemort was not his fault

He just nods at you a posing eye contact as he gets up from his chair

"Keep the hoodie, it looks good on you" he says before exiting the room

You closer your eyes and lean your head back, you don't know what to make of all this new information and these feelings

You decide that the best course of action is to sleep it all off. In the morning you'll forget about Ron at the party and Draco and the hoodie and you'll just continue your search for a boyfriend, simple and uncomplicated just like intended

Third Times A Charm (Draco Malfoy x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now