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"Are you even paying attention to what I'm saying?" Draco asks scoffing a laugh 

"Yep totally" you reply looking away from him

Today is the first day after your admittance of your feelings for Draco and you've been very distracted. You've been thinking about him randomly throughout the last few weeks but today it hit you like a storm. You're finally allowing yourself to feel instead of pushing him to the back of your mind and it's amazing

"What did I say then?" Draco asks smugly

"You said that an Auror is allowed to use necessary force in most situations unless it endangers the life of a civilian"

You and Draco are brushing up on Auror regulations, there aren't many restraints but the ones put in place are important. Fighting users of the Dark Arts is no joke

"Okay...let's take a break" Draco says closing his book at his desk and taking a seat next to you on the bed

You stare at Draco as he looks down at your notes. Once he looks up at you you stare into his eyes, studying the stormy grey complexity of them

"What? Do I look funny to you or something" he says in a fake defensive tone

"No" you say softly

"Then why are you staring at me" he says in a calm tone

"Just-" you say reaching out to fix his shirt collar "Admiring you" you finish as you adjust his tie before taking your hand away   

"Hmm, I guess I am pretty good to look at" he says with a light laugh

"Yeah" you say rolling your eyes

"You're not so bad yourself" he says tucking a loose piece of hair behind your ear

Draco looks from your eyes to your lips. You notice this but you just think your mind is playing tricks on you

"We should go meet the others in the common room, you've tortured me with Auror law long enough" you say getting up off the bed

Draco sighs and gets off the bed to follow you

"Hey, you wanted to be an Auror too"

"Yeah, but my wand skills are enough to get me in. I don't have to read up on the law" you say cockily

"Oh shut up" he says laughing

You make it to the common room and see your friends. You go over to hug Pansy and Draco steals the last spot on the couch

"Seriously Draco" you say giving him a 'what the hell' look

"You were slow, I was fast. Get over it" he says smiling at you

You roll your eyes and decide you're not taking this today. You go over and sit directly on Draco's lap. You smile down at him and he narrows his eyes at you

"Unlike you I'm smart and can problem solve, you should take notes" you say winking at him

You hear him scoff at you but you don't pay attention to it. You shift around to get comfortable but there's something hard stabbing you. Draco's wand must still be in his pocket, you could have sworn you saw it in his dorm

Draco clears his throat and grabs you gently by the hips

"Stop moving" he says nonchalantly but on the inside he's freaking out

You might have moved around a little too much and now there's a problem that won't go away. You've sat on his lap tons of times before and this has never happened, Draco is aware you've had a new affect on him but he didn't think it would be this bad

"Oh sorry" you say innocently, oblivious to what you had just done to Draco

You take a second to think about it and when you realize your eyes widen and your face goes red

"Uhm, I can get up if you want" you say already beginning to get up

Draco quickly pulls you back down into his lap by your hips

"No it's fine, just stop moving okay?" he says tightening his grasp on your hips a bit

"Yeah" you nod

You smile at him before pressing your lips together and shifting once more, you feel his grasp on your hips go hard and smirk to yourself. Draco shakes his head at you but you can't see it

Draco releases his grasp on your hips and places his hands in your lap, fiddling with your robe. You feel proud of yourself, maybe that's wrong but it feels right. You lean back into Draco and he stops fiddling and simply places his hands in your lap. You notice Pansy staring with her eyebrows raised and you shake your head at her. You try to redirect the moment

"So, what's on our itinerary for this weekends Hogsmeade trip" you ask tilting your head to look at Draco

"I was thinking Brood and Pecks" he smiles at you

"Yay" you say calmly with a smile, you can't wait

~Hogsmeade Day~

"Okay, don't take this the wrong way, I am in no way complaining, but why did you want to go to Brood and Peck's? I usually have to drag you in there" you asks with a smile

"Because, you like it there" Draco says suspiciously

"Ok?" 'weird' you thought, but you went along with it

You make it to the store and the shop owner immediately greets you

"Y/n, how lovely to see you again" you're in there so much Miss Peck knows you by name

"Lovely to see you again too Miss Peck" you giving her a slight head tilt before heading off to pet the beast

"Mr. Malfoy, I received your owl and I've prepared everything needed for transfer" you hear Miss Peck tell Draco 

"Thank you" he says politely before joining you

"What was that about?" you question

"You'll see" he simply smiles at you

You finish up at the shop and prepare to leave but Draco stops you

"Actually we have to pick something up before we leave" he says looking towards the counter

Miss Peck hands you a magical beast bag and you look at her confused. You open the bag and put comes the giant purple toad you bonded with the last time you were here

"My toad!" you exclaim excitedly

To your delight the toad came right to you and started rubbing its head on your leg. He flopped down on the ground with a 'thunk' and you petted his underbelly. You're too absorbed with the toad to notice Draco staring at you lovingly

Once you're out of the store and you apparate the bag to your dorm room you attack Draco with a huge hug

"Thank you so much, I love him"

"It was no big deal" Draco says slightly releasing you from the hug

You finally break the hug to look at him

"What are you going to name him?" Draco asks smiling at you

You think for a minute before responding. You give Draco a giant grin

"His name is storm, after your eyes" you say touching his hand and looking down

"Are you flirting with me?" Draco asks in a teasing tone

You're head immediately shot up

"Don't think so highly of yourself Malfoy" you say flustered

"Mhm, sure bug" he says grabbing your hand "Lets go" he says jerking his head to indicate a direction

On the way out of town you hear about a party being held in the Forbidden Forest later that night

"Draco we have to go" you say excitedly

"We can go, I'll let the others know when we get back"

"Yes!" you exclaim "Wait, I have to go get a dress" you say tuning back around to head to the dress shop. This is going to be a great party

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