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It has been 6 months since you and Draco started dating. Things have never been better. You and Draco have gone on dates every weekend possible. It's been comforting having him with you all the time, like when you were little. You and Draco have told Narcissa you were dating and she took the news wonderfully. She gave you both a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek. She told you that she always knew you would be her daughter in-law. She said Draco always had feelings for you, she could see it in the way he looked at you. It's crazy to think you went from best friends to now spending all of your nights with Draco, entangled in his arms. Draco makes you feel safe and comforted. But nothing could keep you safe from the torture that was about to ensue

"Students, listen here" Dumbledore announces as the great hall falls quiet "It is now that time of year where your class schedules will change to accommodate your O.W.L's study needs"

The whole great hall groaned at Dumbledores words. Dumbledore clears his throat before continuing to speak

"Seventh years will have a full days schedule of O.W.L's study hall as well as weekly meetings with each of their professors. The rest of the students will have one block of study hall a day"

The seventh years begin complaining loudly and Dumbledore sighs

"That is all for announcements, dinner will begin shortly" Dumbledore steps down from the podium and takes his seat at the head table

"This is it, this is the end of my sanity. It was nice knowing you all" Pansy says as she flops her head onto the table

Blaise pats her back

"You are so dramatic" Theo says shaking his head at her "But same" he says after clearing his throat

"I started studying weeks ago, it shouldn't be too bad" you say trying to convince yourself that these next few weeks won't be hell

"So did I" Draco says as he rests his chin on his hand

"Do you guys want a gold star or something" Theo says glaring

"Yes actually, I'll take it in sticker form" Draco says smiling sarcastically

You laugh, Theo frowns

"Come on Theo it's not even that bad for you, you just have to be average at best" you say in an overly optimistic tone

Theo flips you off and everyone at the table laughs. You laugh too but it's all just a mask. You're worried sick about your owls. If you don't do well on them you'll never become an Auror and if you don't become and Auror it could ruin everything. If Draco becomes one and you don't how will things work out between you two? You'll just have to study hard and see how things play out

You refuse to eat the rest of your dinner and excuse yourself from the table. Draco gives you a look of concern but you ignore it and head off to the library. Draco attempted to follow you but he left the table too late to see where you were going

You spent all of your time in the library up until curfew before heading to your dorm

"Where have you been? I've been worried about you" Draco says, immediate standing upon you entering the room

"I was in the library studying" you say as you casually avoid eye contact with him, setting your bag down on the desk chair

You know if you look Draco in the eyes right now you'll cry. Despite the fact that you've been studying for weeks beforehand everything just feels too real now. You won't ever return to Hogwarts again in just a few short weeks, everything will change

You head to the dresser to grab pajamas

"Oh....you could've told me that darling, I would've loved to come with you" Draco says staring at you

Third Times A Charm (Draco Malfoy x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now