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You and Draco silently agreed not to discuss what happened after Honeydukes last week, which means you and Draco haven't truly talked in a week. You both don't want to bring up the emotions you're feeling so you both cover them up with talks of school and anything else besides yourselves, it's awkward as hell.

"Checkmate" you say to Theo as you take his king in wizards chess

"I'm one loss closer to Avada Kedavraing myself, I hope you know that" Theo says trying to guilt you

"Cry about it" you say with no sympathy

You and your friends are hanging out in the common room. It's been a slow day, actually, it's been a slow week. Nothing interesting has happened and since you and Draco aren't open with each other right now your hang outs are dull. You need something interesting to do

"Word" Blaise says in response to your statement about Theo

"Hey Blaise, you should play me in wizards chess" Pansy says giving him a smile

"Sure, why not" he says getting up and offering a hand to Pansy

Pansy takes Blaise's hand and you and Theo switch places with them at the table. As you watch them play you notice Pansy leaning down to expose her chest to Blaise as they play, clear cheating but creative. Blaise is to focused on Pansy's tits to notice he made a wrong move and bam, there goes his king

"Ha! I win, suck my dick Blaise" Pansy says slapping the table as she gets out of her seat

"You can suck mine" Blaise says under his breath

Pansy was too busy to hear it but you did and your eyes widen.

Blaise gets out of his seat and places his hands on Pansy's shoulders to keep her in one place

"Good game Parkinson, that victory dance was cute" he says releasing her from his grasp

Pansy blushed at Blaise's compliment and suddenly it hit you. You should set Blaise and Pansy up on a date, cures boredom and helps your friends it's perfect

"Draco" you say lightly hitting him in the chest

"Hmm" he turns to look down at you

"We have to set Blaise and Pansy up on a date!" you whisper yell excitedly

"Why would we do that?" he asks unamused

"Because it'll be fuuuun" you say happily before your mood changes "Nothings been fun since Honeydukes" you say sadly avoiding Draco's eyes

"I'm sorry" he says reaching out to touch your hand

"Will you tell me what happened then?" you ask meeting his eyes

"Later" he says giving you a half smile

You nod, accepting the fact that he even acknowledged the idea of sharing his feelings with you like that

Draco tilts his head to the side indicating that you two should leave. You head to Draco's dorm to begin planning

"Okay so obviously you have Blaise to take care of and I have Pansy" you say pacing back and forth

"Yes, that's a given" Draco says sitting on his bed watching you pace back and forth

"I believe the best way to do this is to set up a date and just get them both there, any date ideas?" you say pausing your pacing to look at him

"Hmm" he says thinking, the only ideas coming to mind are dates he's thought about taking you on "Uhm, are you thinking on or off school grounds"

"Off" you say as if it's obvious

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