Pref 44 ~ Period Cramps

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You wake up and sigh to yourself. Yesterday, you had started your period. For you, the first day is the heaviest and the second is filled with terrifying cramps. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you hurriedly get dressed and run down stairs to get some breakfast. When you go back up to your room, your phone is ringing. You look at the caller ID then answer the call.

"What's up Michael?"

"I just got done at my mom's house. Do you want to do something today?"

"I wouldn't be very much fun." You admit somewhat sadly.

"Well why not? I could always come over to your place."

"Michael, I'm on my period and it's the second day."

"The cursed second day. I'm going to make a quick stop at the supermarket then I'll be right over to your house. Do you need anything?"

"Nope. I love you."

"I love you too babe." He says, hanging up.

When he arrives, he is holding a plastic sack.

"I got us some movie rentals. I got you some kit kats and a Dr. Pepper." He says, smiling.

"I love you so much." You say, smiling widely while he puts in the first movie.

"I don't think I deserve you." You admit while watching the movie cuddled into Michael while he rubs your belly.

"I just want to make my baby girl happy." He admits, looking you in the eyes.

"You two are just too cute." I could hear my mom say at the edge of the living room.

"Thank you ma'am." Michael says to my mom. She just smiles and goes out the front door.

"My mom loves you."

"Good, we don't have to hide our marriage then."

"True." You say, laughing slightly and getting back into the movie.


"Babe. Princess. Sweets. (y/n) wake up." You could hear your boyfriend say. You just ignore him, trying to sleep in a little while longer.

"It's noon. Time to wake up." He says once again. You couldn't ignore him, so you turn away from him and try to cuddle into the bed. That's when a piercing pain in your lower stomach area causes you to yelp.

"What is it babe?"

"Looks like I'll be cramping today."

"I don't understand how girls do it."

"Yeah, I don't understand it either." You admit.

"Like, you bleed for seven days straight while cramping basically the whole time. Guys don't appreciate women as much as the should."

"You're sweet."

"Do you want me to rub your belly?" Calum asks. You just nod as he starts to rub your belly. It relieves some of the pain and you then realize that you are hungry.

"Calum, I'm hungry."

"What do you want to eat? I'll bring it to you."

"Is it too much to ask for Chinese food?"

"No problem at all. I will be back soon." He says, getting up and getting his shoes on.

"Don't you want to know my order?"

"You order the same thing every time. I've got this babe."

"I love you."

"I love you." He says, exiting your room and going to get the Chinese food.

When he gets back, you are fast asleep.

"Babe, I've got your food."

You sit up and start to eat your food.

"Thank you." You say to him and he just nods.


"I wish I could be there for you." Ashton says on the phone screen. You two are FaceTimeing since he is currently on tour.

"It's fine. I can survive off of chocolate."

"Are you sure? I wish I could be there to rub your belly and whisper sweet things in your ear, causing you to laugh and scrunch up your nose. That's the cutest thing ever."

You blush heavily and try to move on with the topics, but you knew that you wish he was here right now. It isn't fair to you that he has to be gone a lot.

"I miss you so much." You say to him.

'"I miss you too. I'll be back soon though."

"I know, I just want you here with me. It isn't fair for me."

"I love you and I know it's not fair. Just don't be mad at me. When I get back I will absolutely spoil you and I've been working on getting you to come on tour with me a little bit. You can't stay the whole tour but I can try to get you for the European leg or something."

"That would be great. I've got to get back to my day." You say to him.

"Are you cheating on me?" He asks, fake crying.

"Yes, Netflix and I get along great." You say, both of you laughing. He hangs up and you get back to your marathon, well movie marathon.


"Luke what are you doing?" You ask him when you see him looking at your hand held planner.

"Why didn't you tell me that you are on your period babe?"

"Well usually you are gone for this type of stuff and I didn't want to trouble you."

"Go lay down, I'm going to go find some chocolate for you and you can find a movie to watch on Netflix."

"It's fine Luke. I'm fine."

"I want to be here for you." He says, running to the kitchen to grab some Hershey's bars.

When he enters the room again, you had found your movie and you start it. Luke climbs in bed next to you and starts to cuddle you.

"Is there anything else you need?" He asks. You just shake your head no.

"Are you cramping?"

"Yeah. I'm fine though."

"Can I rub your belly?"

"No." You say. You've always been insecure about your stomach, and you didn't want him to feel how squishy it is.

"Why not? Do you think your fat? You aren't. You are perfect. Give me your hand." He says. You reach your hand up and he guides your hand to his belly.

"My tummy is squishy too. You have nothing to worry about." He says, kissing your forehead.



"Please rub my belly." You say, shyly.

As he starts rubbing your belly, you start feeling tired. Eventually you are asleep cuddling into Luke and he follows you soon after.

so I think these are really cute and I just want a Michael Clifford so bad. I think Michael's was my favorite one to write. cx

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