Pref 60 - Christmas

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"(Y/N), come in here!"


"I want to give you your present!"

"Can't it wait? I just woke up."

"No, you have to come open your present and I want to open mine!"

"Fine, whatever." You yell, getting out of bed and rubbing your eyes.

You look at the clock to see it is 7am. You just shook your head, Michael's still a child.

"Okay I'm here." You say, walking into the living room and sitting on the couch. Immediately, Michael hands you your present and you take it.

"Open it, babe. You'll love it." He says, with a smirk on his face.

It was a pretty small present, so you didn't know what could be inside of it. Once you get the wrapping paper off of it, you notice it to be a ring box.

"Before you say anything, it's not an engagement ring." Michael says, clearing the air. You just smile, opening the box.

"(Y/N), will you promise me that you'll stay loyal and true to me until I propose?"

"Duh, Mikey. You already know that."

"Just say it, or else I'm taking the ring back."

"I promise Mikey." You say and he slips the ring on your finger.

"Now its your turn to open your gift." You say, jumping up and grabbing his gift. 

"It's huge." He says, and you laugh nodding your head. 

When he unwraps it, his face lights up.

"You didn't!" He says, looking at the brand new guitar sitting in his lap.


You wake up to see Calum not in bed with you anymore, but just as you're about to question it, he opens the door with a plate in his hand.

"Here's your breakfast, baby."

"Awe, how sweet of you!" You say, sitting up.

"And here's your gift." Calum says, handing you a small box that says " To: (Y/N)" in his sloppy handwriting that you've grown to love.

You slowly start unwrapping it, and when all the wrapping paper is off, you see a charm bracelet.

"Oh Calum, it's beautiful." 

"Look at the charms." He says, smiling from ear to ear. 

There's 6 of them: a bass guitar(his instrument), a microphone(you both love to sing), a coffee cup(coffee is a favorite for you both), a multiplication sign(you guys met the first day of math class), a raindrop(your first kiss was in the rain), and lastly a heart(that explains itself, don't ya think?)

"I love you." You say, completely speechless, "Now open your gift." 

You reach by your bed and hand him an envelope.

He opens it and his face lights up.

"No way." He says, completely amazed.

"Yes way." 

"They're my favorite band. How'd you do it?"

"Saw them on eBay."

"You're the best girlfriend ever."

"I'm also treating myself. I love Green Day too, you know." You say, happy that he's happy.

"I never thought I would see them live..."

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