What He Does to Cheer You Up

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Whenever you are upset, you immediately ask him for a hug and he just holds you for hours. Sometimes you end up crying and he sweetly tells you that you're far too beautiful to cry. Feeling his warm grasp holding you makes you feel safe and protected whenever he's around. No matter what, nothing can hurt you when he's around, not even yourself. You two may talk occasionally while you're cuddling into him but you two normally just sit there in silence enjoying each other's company. The quiet lets you think out why you're sad and eventually you are back to your normal smiley self.


Calum does anything he can to cheer you up when you're down. The thing that seems to work the most though is for him to talk about the good times and the future you will spend with each other. The first time you guys met is a good topic of conversation and you quickly start smiling about the accident that caused you two to be completely irrevocably infatuated with each other. Another good topic is about how many kids you have and how you guys will always know where each other is so there's not as much fighting between you guys, that quickly earns a laugh.


Ashton is the type to just surprise you with kisses and hugs and just anything he can think of. One time he bought you a teddy bear just because you got a B on the midterm. If you ever turn away from him, he just says that's the last straw and backs up which has you latch onto him and apologize massively until you both fall into a fit of giggles. He also throws in a lot of random compliments that only he could think of to make you laugh. Sometimes, he even goes to the extremes of dragging you to the grocery store just to show PDA in front of the milk and orange juice.


Luke is the type to just sit you down and talk it out. Of course, the conversation never stays serious and by the end of it you're having the time of your life. If it ever is about him, he will apologize and apologize until he finally gets you to just laugh through your tears. He constantly will tell you that he loves you, even if it's nothing to do with him, like when your grandmother died. He just kept saying that he loves you until you finally shut him up with your hand, trying not to laugh. At the end of the therapy session, he gives you a big hug and kisses your cheek, grabs your hand and has you two dance all the way to your house, or his.

omg its been so long..... I am SOOO sorry guys, but here's a new one cx

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