Pref 65 - Long Drives/Flights

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"Today is the day!" You burst out of your room exclaiming.

"You're pretty excited, sweetie." Your mom says and you just smile wider.

"Of course I am. Michael is taking me to the one place I've wanted to go forever!"

"I know. You've told me about a thousand times."

"I'm sorry." You say, still not letting your smile fade.

Just then, the door bell rings and you run to the door to see your smiling boyfriend standing outside the door.

"Are you ready?" Michael asks you.

"Of course I am!" You say, smiling even wider and hugging him.

"I knew you would be."

Michael walks in and talks with your mom for a little bit and then you two were off to go road trip finally.

"How long is this trip supposed to be again?" You ask Michael.

"Eight hours."

"Just warning you, we need to stop at least every two hours."

"I know. I wouldn't be able to last much longer either."

"Let's get going." You say, rubbing your hands together. Michael starts the engine, but doesn't take it out of park.

"We can't kiss while driving, so can I have a quick kiss to get me going?" Michael asks, starting to pout.

"Of course, we are going on a vacation completely paid by you. I'd give you almost anything." You say, delicately kissing his lips. He doesn't try to deepen it, it just stays sweet until he pulls away.

"Now, Malibu here we come." Michael says, finally starting to drive the car.

It was only about an hour in when Michael started getting tired of driving. Nothing seemed to keep him from getting antsy, and the radio didn't even help any.

"I can drive if you want to sit shot gun."

"Sounds good." He says, immediately putting on his hazard lights and pulling over. You quickly hop in the driver's seat and start driving. Michael leans the seat back a little bit and gets himself comfortable. It only took fifteen minutes for him to fall asleep.

You continue driving, jamming to the music to keep your mind occupied. It was right at the two and a half hour mark that you decided that you absolutely needed to stop to use the restroom.

"Michael, wake up. We are stopping and if I'm driving we are going to try to make it another two hours and I know you can't hold it for four hours."

"I'm up. I'm up." Michael says, opening the door.

After about 5 hours, both of you guys were incredibly grumpy and decided to stop for food quickly. After your hunger was satisfied, Michael was okay with driving and you planned not to fall asleep, but you find yourself dozing in and out of consciousness.

"Baby, it's okay. Just go to sleep. I will be fine." You just smile at that and finally fall asleep.

"Baby, wake up. We are here." Michael says, tapping your shoulder lightly.

"Michael, you drove for three hours. You didn't have to do that." You say, sitting up and rubbing your eyes.

"That doesn't matter now, we're in Malibu!"

He kisses you, and you kiss back ready for your exciting vacation together.


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