Pref 18: He Cheats (Part 2)

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"Wake up." Someone tells you and you open your eyes to see Calum looking at you.

"What do you want Calum?"

"What happened? Why arent you at Mikey's. He obviously did something if you have all your stuff..."

"He cheated on me, with some random slut, but I know now he isnt the one..."

"Dont talk like that, he is probably regretting every bit of it."

"I havent been getting any notifications..." You say pulling out your phone and you realize that it is off.

"Maybe thats why honey!" Calum says looking at you with sympathy, as you turn it on, waiting for your notifications to stop...

"They arent going to stop..." Calum says, showing you his also, which arent stopping either.

After a few minutes, they die down enough for you guys to see your notifications on Twitter and you instantly go to Michael's profile and see his last few tweets.

I miss her...

Come home...

I need you babe...

I so need you...

I want you...

Is it a bad time to say I am so horny?...

You laugh through your tears, not being able to controll either one of them, the tears or the laughter.

"Do you want me to help you lug this stuff home?"

"He isnt completely forgiven yet..."

"You need to talk it out with him though..."

"I dont want to!"

"You kind of need to!"

"If I go will you shut up?"

"Yes, I will."

He drags you back to Mikey's place and you unwillingly knock on the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's Calum bro. Open up!"

He opens up and Calum hides so it is only you that he sees.

"How did you just sound like Calum?" You nervously laugh, and smile.

"Calum is hiding in the bushes, he dragged me back so we could talk this out I guess."

"Calum get out and tell us what I have to do to get this awesome perfect girl that I dont deserve to cuddle me again?"

"Awe, Mikey. I love you."

"You helped yourself buddy" Calum says pushing you in and closing the door and him walking back to his place, feeling happy he fixed a beautful relationship.

"You still arent completely forgiven."

"But at least I have you in my arms again, and I am not letting me screw up like this again."


Returning to your internship in pieces, you meet up with the person covering for you and notice that Calum and your best friend are talking to her, about something...

"Hi guys?" You say and everyone turns towards you.

They all look sorry.

"Just leave guys, I need to get back to work." I say, sitting in my chair after she stands up.

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