Pref 45 ~ Brother's Best Friend (Pt. 1)

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"I want you to go to your room and don't come out till supper. Michael is coming over again." Your brother tells you.

"You haven't even given her a chance to prove herself, you always make her lock herself in her room. Just one time, let her cook with me and prove to your friend that your sister is pretty cool." Your mom says, causing you to smile widely. You knew she'd be on your side this time.

"Whatever." Your brother says walking to the door because the doorbell rang.

"Dinner time." Your mom yells out, and two teenage boys run into the kitchen.

"Wow dude, I didn't know you had a sister."

"Yeah, she's never been home. She's always a busy body." He says and you try your best not to scowl at him.

Michael looks so hot, but you make sure not to look at him anymore as you sit down opposite of him.

"Why won't you look at me, babe?" Michael asks. You blush, and just look at him.

"My brother will kill me." you mutter out, and he hears you.

"For what? Being beautiful?" He asks.

"Why are you flirting with my sister?"

"'Cause you are obviously a jerk to her and she seems really sweet. Plus, she's my type." Michael says, and winks at you.

"Well I will take everyone's dishes." You say standing up and collecting the finished plates.

"You would make a hot waitress." He whispers when you reach down to take his plate from him.

No one expected that to happen.


"My sister is home from college, just ignore her." You hear your brother say.

"I can hear you, you little shit." You say when he enters the kitchen. His friend laughs and he looks a little red in the face.

"Who's your friend?" You ask, looking at the tanned dude standing next to him. He actually isn't too bad looking.

"This is Calum, and we will be leaving."

"Calum, you don't have to deal with his shit. You aren't a tag along. Tell him what you want to do."

"I want to eat pizza with you some time." He says, quietly but you hear him.

"That would be great."

"Why are you stealing my best friend?"

"'Cause it's fun to piss you off." You say, causing Calum to agree with him.

"I'm so done." Your brother complains, storming out of the room.

"Don't let him affect you. He just likes to be an asshole."

"I know, but he did invite me over so I should go hang out with him."

"Okay, sounds good. When's our date though?"

"Tomorrow at lunch?" He asks.

"That's great, Cal. Have fun with my brother. Oh and tell him I asked him if his dinosaur onesie still fits. That would be great if you would do that favor for me." You say to him, causing both of you to laugh a bit.

"Anything for you babe." He says, walking to your brother's room and leaving you alone in the kitchen to think of how hot he is even if he is a senior in high school and you are a sophomore in college.


"Hey Ashton is coming over for a bit tonight."

"Why would I care?" You ask him.

"Because you like him and I want you nowhere in sight."

"Oh I see how it is." You say, pushing him onto the couch.

"I love you. Of course I do, you are my twin for fuck's sake but I don't want him to not hang out with me anymore because you ruined it for me. You know?"

"Yeah, i understand." You say, trying not to look upset and walk into your room and slam the door.


"What?" You ask your brother, being completely oblivious to Ashton.

"Can you make us some snacks?" He asks, and you try to hide your fury but it's impossible.

"Oh, so first you don't want me anywhere around you and your best friend and now you want me to make you fucking snacks? No way."

"(Y/N), why are you so mad?"

"I'm not mad." You say, going to gather some snacks for the two teenage boys.

"Here you boys go."

"Your brother shouldn't be a dick to you. To make it up to you would you like to get coffee in the morning with me before school?"

"I would love that." You say, smiling.


You walk into your house to see your brother and Luke on the couches playing FIFA.

"Hi there boys. Having fun?" You ask, putting your keys on the table and hanging up your coat.

"Yeah, we are having a blast." Luke answers you, and smiles at you.

"Leave us alone." Your brother says. You just roll your eyes and sit on the couch beside your brother.

"Let me play some FIFA." You say to your brother.

"No, you can play Mario or some shit like that." Your brother says.

"No cussing. You'll be a bad influence on me." You tease your older brother. He's only older by a year, plus since he got held back he's in your grade.

"Fine, you can play Call of Duty with Luke while I go shower." He says, handing you the controller and changing the game to COD.

You had never played before but Luke helped you figure out the controls, and once you got good at it, you were doing way better than Luke.

"Are you sure you've never played this before?"

"Yeah. I'm sure." I say, smiling.

"You are pretty cute, but don't tell your brother I said that." He says, his breath hitting your nose because he had leaned in.

"We can't do this. My brother would hate us."

"He already acts like he hates you and if he hates me oh well. It's worth it to be with such a pretty girl." He says, attaching his lips to yours.

Let's just say when your brother came back into the room he wasn't too pleased.

which is your favorite? mine is luke's but i think they are all pretty cute cx anyways hope you enjoyed!

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