Pref 57 - He Asks You to Prom

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It's your junior year. You were always scared that you would never get asked to prom, but now it's becoming a reality. It's mid-January and all of your friends are coming up to you talking about their "promposals." 

"Hey (Y/N), you have to come with me." Some girl you've seen around school runs up and starts dragging you back into the school. School had already ended, so you have no idea why she is taking you back into the school, but you just roll with it.

All of a sudden you walk around the corner and see Michael holding a sign. 

"Roses are red

Pizza is too

Call me crazy,

But I wanna go to prom with you.

Will you do me a favor?

I'll give you pizza!"

You smile widely and run up to him and hug him.

"Yes! yes, yes, yes. Oh my gosh."

He laughs and lifts you up.

"Thank you." He says.

"No, thank you." You say.

"Now, do you want to go get some of that pizza I offered you?"

"I won't steal your pizza. I can buy my own." You say heartily.

"Okay, let's go. I'm still paying though. You need to save up for a prom dress now. " Michael admits.

"Indeed I do, but we will see about that."

"Whatever. Let's go. At least let me drive."

"I'm okay with that, Mr. Prom Date."

"Come on, miss." Michael says, taking your hand and walking you to his car.

Both of you have a good time, and he does indeed end up paying.


You're average, or at least thats what you believe when you walk through the halls and see everyone talking about how prom is around the corner. You didn't really want to go to prom anyway, but it was getting to the point where you wish you felt like someone still cared and would ask you. It wasn't that you necessarily changed your mind, but it's difficult for you to see everyone else so happy and you're just sitting there lonely. All of your friends already have had prom dates for a month now and you weren't even going to think to try to go with them. Third wheeling is not your thing.

"Hey (Y/N), I have a question." Calum says, looking kind of anxious. You hadn't ever talked to him really except for borrowing pencils and stuff.

"Yes, Calum?"

Then his friends run around the corner and he pulls out pretty white daisies out from behind his back.

The sign reads: "I hate everyone, and so do you. So could I hate everyone at prom with you?"

"Oh Calum.... Yeah. Of course I will." You say, smiling and take the daisies from his hand. You raise them to you and smell them.

"Oh, I had heard that you didn't want to go to prom... I was worried you would say no."

"I'm not that mean, plus you're a nice person. I like you enough to 'hate everyone at prom with you.'"

"I'm excited."

"So am I. Now I have to find a dress."

"And I have to figure out how to get my hands on a tux."

You two just smile and you swap numbers and then head off to separate places as usual. The difference this time is that  you both are super ecstatic and counting your money.


You and your boyfriend for 2 years, Ashton, make your daily stop at Starbucks, but for some reason you felt as if it was different. Ashton is a little off, but you shake it off and just let it go. It wasn't a bad feeling, just a different one.

"Hey, Ashton and (Y/N), want your normals?" The employee working asks. They know what you guys get by now. You felt as if they were off too, which makes you think you're just paranoid. 

"Yes please." You say and Ash just nods.

They do their usual things and you and Ash sitting there waiting.

"Was your day okay, love?" Ashton asks.

"I just have a headache." You say, "Have you had a good day?"

"Yeah, I have actually. The guys wanna have a guys weekend."

"Go have fun! I'll hang out with the girls."

"I don't know."

"Ash and (Y/N) your coffees are ready."

Ash grabs his and take a sip. When you look at the cup where the name should be it says "You. Me. Prom. - Your Favorite Prom Date"

"Of course you did!" You say and hug him, but since you're smaller than him you're basically hugging him around his waist.

"Come on baby. You gotta hug me right for this." He says, picking up and and allowing you to put your arms around his neck.

"I love you, Ashton Fletcher Irwin."

"I love you too baby."


"Do you have a prom date?" Luke asks while driving to his house. He always drives you home now since you are neighbors. He just moved there a month ago, but it's a good timing for you since your parents can't pick you up anymore and you don't want to walk everyday.

"No, it's still fairly early in the year."

"At my old school everyone asked like a year or two before."

"Not here, promposals started up about two weeks ago."

"Oh okay. It's so weird moving schools."

"I know, don't worry. You already fit right in."

"Thank you. Can I.. uhm.. Ask you a question?"

"Yeah, anything. You know that."

You reach his locker and he unlocks his house and invites you inside.

"This is Boomer." He says picking up a golden retriever puppy and handing him to you.

His collar reads: Prom?

"OMG Luke!"

"Don't you like him?" Luke says, smiling happily and halfway laughing.

"Yes, but I like his name tag more. Of course I'll go to prom with you!"

"Yay! Picture?"

"Of course! This has got to be the cutest promposal ever!"

"From the cutest prom date ever?"

"Yeah, that too." You say, laughing happily.


I really like this! hope you do too! xx

credit to @yaoiyaoi101 for the idea! xx theres two other users that commented too and ill be featuring their ideas too! They are a huge help which means i can probably update more often than i was, but still not as much as i would like to bc i STILL don't have a computer so everything is inconvenient right now and i don't have time to sit on my phone typing for 3 hours when it normally takes like anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour on a computer... sorry guys x

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