The Franky Brothers and Iceberg

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We pick up on zoro and the Marry.

Zoro: Zzzzz..Zoro was sleeping like he usually was. Unknown to him a bunch of bandits in hots snuck onto their ship. While being asleep Zoro had block a incoming sword strike.

Bandit: I thought we had to drop on you.

Zoro: who the hell are you? Give me your name!

Bandit: our names, eh? Pirate hunter Zoro. Where a group of bounty hunters whose name scares crying children into silence. The Frankie brothers!  The camera pans over to five different people who look like a bunch of clowns. Your head is worth 60 million and will be taking it, thank you. Now that we've ambushed you on your own ship, we can round up the rest of your crew as well! Dahahah! Easy money! Franky family Rush Zoro.

Zoro:  simply by holding up his sword he stopped the incoming attack with no resistance. Lucky? I'd say unlucky. He punches one of them so hard they go flying off the boat. (Nitouryuu. Sai Kuru)  he spins around in a circle cutting down the remaining hunters flinging them all off the ship as well. Pathetic. Not even a second later he's sleeping again.

Back with the Gold team

Y/N: well I guess we're here. V after a bunch of deviations they were finally able to get in the Gold exchange area.

Receptionist: what do you three want?

Y/N: I'm here to trade in this gold for money.

Receptionist: fine tell me the weight of the gold.

Y/N: an estimate is around three to 360 lb.

Receptionist: we don't have time to joke around. Be serio- AHHHHH YOU WEREN'T KIDDING!!! He sees the open bag

Thanks to Y/N the strawhats we're quickly seated in a VIP room with the owner.

Luffy: Ooo, this feels great!

Y/N: stop bouncing.

The owner was in shock of how much gold was actually sitting in front of him.

Nami: you better not say that it's fake.

Buttslock: not at all! I've been in a prayer for 25 years and I estimate the value as roughly.

A outside shot of the building.

Luffy: 100 MILLION BARI!!!!!


Luffy: are you really going to give us that much money?!

Inside shot of vip room

Buttslock: It's certainly worth that much. These fantastic artifacts are pure gold and have historical value as well

Luffy: much, we can pick up the very good as new!

Ussop: yeah! We'll even have some left over!.

Luffy: let's use the rest to buy a bronze statue!

Y/N: that's just wasteful.

Buttslock: if you agree to the price, then please sign and place your thumbprint here. That will finalize the deal.

Luffy: Yosh! I'll sign anything you want! You can have a thumbprint and a footprint!

Nami: Nami slams her foot down on the table. I have three things I want to say. Mr. Appraiser. First I have to mention this but this man is wanted for 100 million. Pulls Luffy by the cheek. And this one is worth 250 million. Pulls on Y/N's nose.

A Real Monster. one piece X Garou Like ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now