Raid on the Franky House. The Pirate Flag Flutters With Sorrow!

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Todays cover image is Marry screaming for her life.

Todays cover image is Marry screaming for her life

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At the Franky House.

Franky: What are you so worked up about? Seems like you love your ship quite a bit. No matter. Whatever condition she's in, this money belongs to us now. Understand?

Ussop: damn you!

Franky: unfortunately, in this world, Me stealing from pirates isn't really seen of the crime. Besides, this money probably dirt money you swiped somewhere along the way here. Just let us have it. Maybe you could beg the Navy for help. Nah, they just arrest you. Too bad for straw hat luffy. He's got himself a useless scrawnies you can even handle a simple task of guarding a little bit of money. Such a shame.

Ussop: Give it back!  He points the bazooka at Franky.

Franky: I told you to BUZZ OFF!  He kicks ussop in the nose making him roll across the ground before taking the bazooka out of his hands and smashing it over top of him. All right boys show him the hospitality of the Franky house while I'm gone. No time at the present starts shopping with the pile of money. Hahahaha Man this is gonna be great!

Ussop: HOLD IT!

Ussop shot a tiny yellow pellet filled with gunpowder at Franky. He turned around and smashed it with his hands.

Franky: remember my name, long nosed boy. It's frankie. If you want to leave this city alive, I suggest you never cross me. See you later long nose, thanks again for the 200 million berries.

Ussop: No wait give it back! YOU HEAR ME!? THE MONEY BACK THIS INSTANT!!!! YOU HEAR MEEE! He's held down and beat up by the Franky family.

Back on the Marry

Nami: I need to wait here till Robin comes back. It's fine marching with the others right now, I'll just be in the way. For now the best thing I can do is stay here and guard the money and protect the Marry.

Somewhere in the city

Sanji: Stop Stop! If I remember correctly. This is the place Nami was talking about. But where is Ussop?

Chopper: Hey ussop!

Y/N: Did he leave?

Zoro: maybe the cook messed up the directions.

Sanji: I'm not you, moron! Shut your hole!

Zoro: You wanna go?!

Y/N: Hey guys look at this.

Chopper: Is that blood?

Sanji: I guess you did walk off somewhere on his own.

Zoro: wait you don't think...

---~~~~ᵃʰʰʰʰʰʰʰʰhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Smash!

Sanji/Zoro/Y/N: Who-

Luffy: HEL--P ME--- .gargling water.

A Real Monster. one piece X Garou Like ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now