Franky: Hurry up, I said furl the sails!
Zoro: you sure about this Franky? Doesn't seem very smart.
Franky: I got this. Don't ask questions, just do it! Stop being an idiot and have some faith in your own ship!
Luffy, chopper, ussop, and Franky were dancing on the back of the ship
Nami: Ussop, just a second ago, you were crying and now you're- nope, never mind. Whatever.
Y/N: catches a cannonball. We've still got cannonball flying at us!
Zoro: Alright Franky, I don't get it, but I furled all the sales. Now do whatever you're going to do before the Navy blows us up
Franky: aren't you forgetting something? We can't leave until we give this ship a name.
Sanji: a name? At a time like this?!
Franky: this is our maiden voyage, there is no point if we don't do it now.
Luffy: I got it, I got the perfect name! The black bear polar bear lion tiger!
Ussop: that's a horrible name for a ship, no way!
Franky: I did have a lion in mind for the design but the guys at Gally-La didn't seem to get that. The thousand Sunny, is what Icebrains came up with.
Luffy: I like it!
Chopper: Me too! It's super cool!
Luffy: I was thinking dandelion lion dandy unbearable bear!
Y/N: That's even worse than the last one!
Robin: a ship to sail a thousand seas with a sunny smile. It's personal you think?
Franky: don't get too excited you guys, that was just a warm up! I've got a name that's going to knock your socks off! This ship will not be known as new battle Frankie lion gang champion!
Y/N: Nah
Sanji: so where is the secret of yours that can get us out of here?
Zoro: better make it fast, too. The Navy is going to catch up any second.
Franky: yeah, yeah, I know. Take one last look at water 7, cuz it's going to be gone in a blink.
Luffy got on the Bannister at the end of the ship, and was taunting his grandpa. Garp grabbed a massive ball and chain. Double the size of a marine battleship.
Y/N: where did he hide that?!
Franky: whistling. Hold up.
Garp threw the ginormous ball over the Sunny, testing a massive shadow. The ship started rubbling.
Franky: Done. Get ready. COUP DE BURST?
The thousand Sunny took off into the air, leaving the Marines in the dust, Y/N was completely unprepared for this. Flew face first into a door handle.
Chopper: awesome!
Ussop: I can't believe it, I never thought I'd feel this again, but here I am!
Franky: it eats up three there was a cola, but it can fly for a whole kilometer.
Y/N: rubbing his nose. What the fuck is a kilometer.
Franky: I'm not trying to brag, but anything that going Marry could do, this ship can do better. And it's got tricks on its own. But even if it's all new. I hope the brave Spirit of the Marry, can live on in the sunny. From weapons to furniture, I know this ship up and down. And maybe my masterpiece, but it's all of yours now!

A Real Monster. one piece X Garou Like Reader
Aventura"It's not like I didn't want to be the monster; it's just because the game itself seemed incredibly one-sided and unfair. Heroes and monsters is just a game based on kids' TV shows. Everyone's free to choose what role they play. But me . . . . . I w...