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Tds: hey guys, it's me. Yeah I know the lazy bastard. I'm on the phone with Y/N, and sitting next to metal. Wait  would it make more sense to call him Garou since he's not Y/N?

Bat: It might be easier if you just stick to Garou instead.

Tds: All right, now that's settled I have a really important question.  I'm not going to spoil anything but I am like super far ahead into the story. And I was wondering would it make more sense to skip the Amazon Lilly Arc or not.

Garou: <voice> I don't see why you would, the script doesn't say they'll go there.   A ton of noise coming from his background.

Tds: There's a lot of stuff in my storyboard that I need to get rid of. Maybe I'll find a way to repurpose it for something else, by the way what's going on over there?

Bat: I've also been wondering the same thing.

Garou: <Voice> huh, oh that. a hero doing her typical hero stuff. She's wearing a red suit, dark red boots, red gloves, a yellow shield emblem on her chest with a star in the middle, red helmet.  Sounds progressively getting louder.

Bat: who the hell is talking about? As far as I've seen there's no superhero covered in all red in the hero agency or the Neo heroes.

Tds: I think I know who he's talking about. Unless she exists here too.

Garou: <voice> Hold on wait, let me get a picture.

Tds: well, while he's doing that I hope that other questions, unrelated to this story.  Do you think the characters from AOT could strap gas tanks on their arms and legs and fly around without the odm gear?

Bat: Like those big ass tanks on their hips? Probably not, each one probably weighs like 30 lb I think that's like 13 kg so, yeah, definitely not.

Tds: Wait I think I found it right here.  Apparently it's 56 kg per gas tank. So that's like 156 lb.

Well, I was a little bit off. But it's still heavy as fuck. So probably not.

Garou: All right, I got the picture. You want to believe how fast she is. Posting picture.

Garou: see, dark red suit yellow cape dark skin, short dark hair, you want to believe how hard is to get a picture of her, she's a lot faster than I thought she would be.


Bat: Oh Wordgirl of Corse, sometimes I ask her to watch Zenko for me. I didn't know she was here though.

Tds: wait, you have connections to my childhood hero?

Bat: she's like a cousin or more like a niece, to my family.

Garou: whoever she is, she's a lot stronger than she looks.

Tds: So if it came down to it, who would win in a fight. Her or you?

Garou: Well if she started trying, she might give me a little trouble.

Bat: scrolling on his phone. Oh yeah, she'd be extremely strong by the information in her Lore. 

Tds: But would you lose?


Nah, I'd win.  Heavy static from his audio.

Bat: well, he might be dead. By the way, you look terrible.

Tds: Thanks, video game addiction has been beating the shit out of me. Just like what's most likely happening to Garou.

Bat:  Soooooo? You going to start uploading again?

Tds: yeah, I will. I didn't realize how much time had went past I looked at my calendar.  How about later today or early tomorrow A part will definitely be posted. Not like a shenanigans like an actual part.

Bat: Great, love to hear that.  So, do you think he's-   💥💥💥  looking out the window they see Yamaha.

Or Not.

Bat: That's sad. 🤳🏻📸

Tds: Truly.  So about Wordgirl.

Bat: didn't you have a question to ask them?

Tds: oh yeah, well I kind of already answered my own question in the beginning. So uhh I guess, who is your favorite superhero. Obviously mine is Wordgirl. ➡️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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