Luffy is the Enemy! The ultimate Zombie vs. The Strawhat Crew

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Story Information: (all updates to the way I write will be posted here. )
Tds: Before you ask there is something new, it's at the Franky and Y/N thing.

Y/N: Talking
Y/N: Actions
Y/N: Thinking
Y/N: Shouting/Loud sounds

Y/N: Speaking at the same time.
Y/N: Speaking at the same time.

top of the bridge tower-

Brook: Wh-Wh-what is that thing? It's terrifying.

Franky: Of course it is. It's a monster, after all.

Zoro: Wait, is that. Hey! Ussop! Is that you down there!

-Flower garden bridge-

Ussop: You hear that? Someone just yelled my name. Looking up. Zoro? What're you doing up there?

Chopper: there's Frankie too! And look, Brook is with them, they're all safe!

Robin: For now. It looks like they managed to save the skeleton in time, at least. Nami, on the other hand. I'm still pretty worried about it.

Camera slowly shifts down to the courtyard zooming in on the 3 Strawhats.

Sanji: hey. You're standing in my damn way. And what are you doing interfering? What has gone into you, Luffy?

Oars: Luffy? I think I'm supposed to crush that guy. He's my enemy. My name is Oars. Hello there.

Y/N: This bastard. Nami get up, stop lazing around.

Nami: Will you shut up already! I'm trying to find my courage!

Sanji: really? What's what's the introductions? Idiot. He just says whatever he wants, huh? He definitely takes after Luffy.

Y/N: Ever since I met that rubber annoyance, I wanted to pound him.

Sanji: Maybe not right now but we should work on your phrasing.

Y/N: what do you mean?

Sanji: "Pound" nowadays means to fuck.

Y/N: How was that the first thing you thought of, when I said pound?

Sanji: How was that not the first thing you thought of?

Y/N: Maybe because I don't associate pound with fuck.

Sanji: Oh yeah, how can I forget. This is coming from same the guy who thought rape ment kill. "If you don't leave me alone I'm going to rape you" I bet those kids were traumatized.

Y/N: I told you I was 10! Also, you said "I'll pound you into a croquette." Does that mean you were thinking of fucking that animal guy into a croquette.


-top of the bridge Tower-

Zoro: Are they arguing?

Franky: Look at this, that moron is picking a flight with a monster.

Zoro: That damn stupid cook. Has he even rescued Nami yet?

Franky: probably not- op wait a minute, she's right there.

-flower garden bridge-

Chopper: This is bad. This is really bad! They're in trouble!

Robin: This is unexpected. I was under the impression that all they wanted from us were our shadows. But he looks more primed for violence.

Ussop: I guess they decided they already got the cream of the crop with Luffy's shadow.

Chopper: scary! It's scary! There's no way we can fight that thing!

Robin: Well there's no way I'm going to just stand back and watch them get slaughtered.

A Real Monster. one piece X Garou Like ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now