They Were Both Everything?! Kuma's Paw Paw Power!

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A/N: kind of forgot to say this, just occurred to me now. Your eye catcher is you getting spotted on a damaged burning Marine battleship by the cameraman and then when the camera pans downwards it's you beating up the camera man In the background while the ship is sinking .

Y/N: Talking
Y/N: Actions
Y/N: Thinking
Y/N: Shouting/Loud sounds

Y/N: dual speech.
Y/N: dual speech.

Nami: what do we do now? We've already thrown everything we've got at him, and he's still standing.

Ussop: there's got to be something we can do! Come on, thank you guys!

Y/N: I told you I'm getting serious, didn't I? Let's just go after his right arm. It's still damaged. Zoro, I need your help.

Zoro: Absolutely. His left eye fades in a ring around the pupil. Zoro runs at Oars blades drawn.

Y/N: Ussop, Nami ready the Salt! Y/N and Zoro charged at Oars together, both Strawhats leaping over the giant's fist to dodge his powerful attack. As Oars pulled his head back for a devastating Gum-Gum Bell, Y/N reacted quickly, shoving Zoro to safety while he himself was slammed into the wall.Spotting Oars's massive fist coming again, Y/N dashed forward. Sprinting along the back of Oars's hand, he vaulted over the giant as Oars swiped at him. In midair, Y/N brought his leg back, executing a Tempest Kick. The sharp wind blade carved deep into Oars's right arm before Oars retaliated, swatting Y/N with his left hand.As Y/N fell, Zoro planted one of his swords into the ground and, with his free hand, grabbed Y/N, stopping his rapid descent. Zoro dropped Y/N and reclaimed his sword.

Zoro: heavy breathing. If one of those punches hit me, I'm dead. We can't keep this up. Are those two done yet?

Y/N: looking over his shoulder. Nope.

Zoro: This is getting irritating. His eye builds a second

Y/N: He can manipulate the shadows on the body but he can't heal damage done to it. Pointing at the upper half of Oars's arm. Next time his arm comes down, I want you to Dice it.

Ussop: You may be a giant, but Ussop it's about to show you real men, come in all sizes.

Zoro: Hey, pay attention. It feels up to me I keep fighting you until I couldn't lift my sword. But we're almost at a time, what do you say we in this right now?

Oars: Okie dokie.

Moria: KISHISHISHI. Oh, will end this, but be honest with yourself. You don't think you can win after that beating you took, do you?

Zoro: Uh-huh. See I'm pretty stubborn when I set my sights on something, now let's see what you've got. Finish me if you can.

Moria: Agh! This tomorrow I was trying to mess with your head, Oars. Less talking more pounding!

Oars: I'll beat them on my own, master!

Y/N: He said pounding! See Sanji, I told you! Sanji? Oh yeah.

Oars: Gum Gum, Pistol!

Y/N: Moron.. Y/N turns away from Oars positioning his back against the giant's fist. Spinning in a circular motion, he neutralized the speed and momentum of the blow, keeping Oars's hand pressed against his back. The camera gets a close up of Y/N's arm, the muscles were being for the very tightly. In one fluid motion, Y/N turned around and caught the massive fist. With a powerful yank, he pulled Oars forward, causing the giant to stumble and fall. ZORO!

Zoro: Your arm's mine. Zoro dashed forward, aligning all three blades as one. With a swift slash, he severed the massive arm, and Y/N quickly grabbed the limb, hurling it back at him. Zoro flicked the blood off his Wado and Sandai before sheathing them, while his left eye transformed, gaining its third and final ring, with his pupils stretching into the shape of an atom. Before Moria could attempt to reattach the arm, Zoro sprinted forward, wielding his newly obtained black blade, Shusui. He sliced through the limb with precision, cutting it into smaller and smaller chunks until it was reduced to a pile of perfectly cubed flesh. One-Sword Style: ATOMIKKU ZAN! (atomic slash)

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