Little boy was probably no ordering than seven was watching it TV show in his living room.
Monster: Mwahahahah! Now I will cover the world in darkness! Hahahaha!
Hero: not so fast.. Devil Eril!
Kid: Aww man. That lame scene song means that Justice man this year. Just when it's getting good, the hero always butts in. Hang in there! Don't give up, devil Earl! Kick Justice man's butt!
Justice Man: Justice punch!
Kid: Darn it, he got beat again. It's not fair! Why doesn't any monster stand a chance against Justice man?
Y/N's mother: It's because Heroes never lose Y/N.
Younger Y/N: Heroes never lose? Really? Why not? What is good always have to win? Mom that's totally not fair!
Y/N's mother: Do you want the monsters to win?
Younger Y/N: monsters have things they want, too. And monsters try. They try really hard. So why did they always end up losing and getting killed?
Y/N's mother: I guess it's because no one roots for them.
Younger Y/N: I root for them. About what I think? I mean, monsters are cool, too. Why should the popular win..
Y/N: .. while the hated loose?
Both: it's tragic!
Y/N: if that's how the world works, then I'll become the strongest monster, and now lose to no one.
Y/N woke up on the couch with several blankets surrounding him.
Y/N: groans Huh? What the hell am I doing here? What happened last night? It's all so fuzzy. I lose a fight or something? Jogging memory. Oh yeah, I blacked out. Unwrapping himself. Jeez way to overdo it. Sniff, Sniff, Gag. Uugh. Omg I smell terrible. I need a shower.
After quick 10 minutes shower put on some casual chloe, dropping his GI. Meet his way to the dining room, watching Luffy eat while also being asleep.
Granny Kokoro: I hope everyone's decent!
Sanji: oh, hey, kokoro.
Chimney: yo, we're coming through!
Granny kokoro: you boys have been sleeping for days! You must have been awfully and tired! Not that I blame you, after all that fighting.
Y/N: what the hell is he doing?
Sanji: Good afternoon, Y/N. He's sleep eating.
Y/N: sleep eating? What's that supposed to mean?
Sanji: even though we couldn't move after the last fight, he didn't want to miss dinner cuz he was sleeping. So you developed a sleep eating technique you see here.
Y/N: That is impressively sad.
Granny Kokoro: by the way, your log pose should be after another two or three days here.
Nami: even if the log poses said, it's not like we can go anywhere without a ship. All the money we saved up to buy a new ship is gone forever. Our clothes, furniture, even bellemere's precious tangerine trees were lost. Alcohol Laguna carried it all away. I'm so depressed, I can't even move. Uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhgg.
Sanji: we left our stuff in one of the back street hotels.
Kokoro: so that's what your guest are hear about.
Sanji: our guests?
Y/N blanked out for a few minutes.
Y/N: I'ma head out, I'll be back in a few.

A Real Monster. one piece X Garou Like Reader
Adventure"It's not like I didn't want to be the monster; it's just because the game itself seemed incredibly one-sided and unfair. Heroes and monsters is just a game based on kids' TV shows. Everyone's free to choose what role they play. But me . . . . . I w...