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"As Hitler's troops continue to ravage Occupied Europe

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"As Hitler's troops continue to ravage Occupied Europe... On the home front, enlistment centers teem with the able-bodied, eager to help our allies," the newsreel announcer's voice starts speaking over the clips of lines of men coming out of a recruitment office.

"They're just tryin' to get outa workin' for a living!" a man's voice suddenly shouts from the audience. Demetria frowns at the man a few rows ahead. He is being very disrespectful.

Demetria looks across the aisle viewing other's reactions to the commercials, a young woman watches the screen, tears welling. She clearly has a man overseas. Across the aisle, a middle-aged Jewish couple looks somber.

"Across the seas, our brave boys are already showing the Axis that the price of freedom is never too high!" newsreel announcer says as soldiers-some wounded-wave at the camera, their smiles almost convincing.

"Jeez, play the cartoon, already!" the man shouts again.

Steve leans forward and whispers, "Can you keep it down, please?"

The man ignores as the commercial continues, "Together with the allied forces, they march toward freedom and liberation for millions of grateful citizens." The clip is now showing a kid pulling his wagon with a hand drawn sign that says "scrap metal."

"Let 'em clean up their own mess, the jerks!" the man shouts again and Demetria shakes her head as Steve leans forward and taps him on the shoulder, "You want to shut up?"

The man slowly rises from his slumped position. He rises...and rises, revealing a man that is much bigger than Steve. Steve slumps down a little as the guy glares down at him. Demetria looks between the two having a bad feeling. The guy then grabs Steve by the collar and starts dragging him out of the theater. Demetria's eyes widen having a feeling that Steve can't defend himself. Demetria sighs as she gets up and chases after them. Demetria runs out of the theaters trying to figure out where they went. She faintly hears punches being thrown and groans. She follows the noise to an alleyway where she see's Steve being beaten up.

The jerk hammers Steve in the jaw, knocking him into a line of garbage cans. Steve groans...and gets back up. Steve's a natural fighter, bobbing and scoring a kidney punch, but the guy barely feels it. The jerk swings. Steve tries to block it with a trash can lid holding it up as a shield. The jerk yanks away the lid and pounds him again. Steve's feet lift off the ground, hitting the cement hard. For a moment, Steve lays still. The jerk hovers, panting with a wicked grin on his face while Steve gets to his feet again fists in the air.

"You just don't know when to give up, do you?" the guy asks shaking his head.

"I can do this all day," Steve responds and the guy knocks Steve back into a pile of garbage. He moves to hit him but Demetria pulls his arm pulling him back.

"That's enough," Demetria glares up at him.

The guy laughs, "What are you going to do doll? Trying to stand up for your boyfriend here? Adorable."

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