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It has been a year since Steve died

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It has been a year since Steve died. For the past year her and Zyla have been living with Howard as Demetria grieves the loss of Steve. She barely ate or slept and had gone into a state of depression for the past year. No matter how Howard, Peggy, or Zyla tried to make Demetria feel better, the only thing that would make her feel better is Steve. And Steve isn't here. Zyla keeps postponing going back to Maldonia and it's because she says it's for Demetria's sake but Demetria says that Zyla is avoiding going back and using her as an excuse. Stormy had whined everyday for a month or so after Steve died. The little dragon didn't understand where Steve had went and it broke Demetria's heart even more that Stormy lost the person who she was bonded to. The bond between a human and a dragon can be so special like Sapphire and Demetria or even Steve and Stormy. Eventually Stormy stopped crying but every so often cling onto Demetria more so than other days. Sapphire has also noticed Steve's absence and would often sniff around when going to new places to see if she could find Steve.

Demetria and Zyla are now standing out the door of Steve's apartment. Demetria stares at the key Steve had given her the night before he died. The two plus Stormy and Sapphire have been standing outside Steve's apartment for about an hour. Demetria had finally decided to go see the place but she froze once she got there and now doesn't know what to do.

"We don't have to go in... It's okay we can do this another time," Zyla says understandingly.

"No no. I want to go in," Demetria says trying to convince herself. "I-I need to do this." Demetria finally puts the key into the doorknob and unlocks the door. She slowly opens the door and takes a step inside the apartment. She goes and turns on a lamp for light. As more light fills the apartment Demetria looks around. Even though the place is full of dust due to the fact that no one has lived here for a while, it is pretty clean and neat. There's a small brown couch in front of a fireplace and a small coffee table in between with a newspaper resting on the table so as a book that looks like Steve had already read before and was going to reread it again. Demetria walks towards it and picks up the book, "The Hobbit." Demetria opens the book to see the top corners of some pages folded to keep track on what page he had left off of instead of a bookmark. Demetria shuts the book and turns to see a small bookshelf near the fireplace. She then goes and finds a spot that has a big gap between two books and Demetria places The Hobbit into the gap that fit perfectly in.

Zyla is standing near the corner taking her surroundings in as she watches Demetria look around. Demetria walks away from the bookshelf and goes into the little hallway that leads to two bedrooms at the end. Demetria opens one of the door which lead to a room with a light blue wallpaper and a king sized bed with baby blue sheets and the furniture is made of wood. Demetria closes it assuming it used to be Sarah Rogers, Steve's mom's, room. Demetria felt like she would be intruding if she had went into that room so she decided to go to the next guessing it's Steve's room. Demetria opens the other bedroom door and can already tell that it's Steve's. Demetria swallows a lump in her throat as she enters the bedroom. Zyla stayed in the living room with Sapphire seeing as it felt like a too personal moment she would be crashing if she went into Steve's room with Demetria and Stormy. 

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