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"What do you mean you came here for me?" Zyla asks furrowing her eyebrows

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"What do you mean you came here for me?" Zyla asks furrowing her eyebrows. "How did you get here? I mean I know how you got to Earth but how did you find us?"

"I want to take you back to Maldonia... I know it's a mess and we still have to find a way to take down your aunt but Maldonia is home and I know you've been avoiding coming back home but it's time. It's time to come back home with me," Erik responds and Zyla sighs. "And that necklace I gave Demetria... there's a type of tracker in it. It wasn't that hard to find you."

Demetria looks down and frowns as she examines the sun charm on it. "You told me you'd notify my once you saved her... and you didn't," Erik stares at Demetria who looks back up at him.

"I'm sorry but-" Demetria starts but Zyla cuts her off. "I told her not to. I begged her not to actually. Don't blame her."

Erik takes a deep breath and nods, "I know the council aren't your favorite people and they're not mine either but it's home and I need your help. I'm close to getting someone to admit the truth about the night your parents died but he won't talk to me... apparently he'll only talk to you."

Howard furrows his eyebrow as he stands next to Demetria and leans towards her, "What is happening right now? Who is he?"

"His name is Erik... he's Zyla's father figure," Demetria whispers back. 

"He tracked you guys through your necklace... stalker much," Howard mutters and Demetria nudges him with her elbow. "Shush."

"What I'm just saying... if anyone on Earth did that we'd be considered a stalker," Howard whispers.

"He's just worried," Demetria defends. "It's sweet how much he cares for Zyla. She's been through a lot. She deserves someone who cares for her like Erik does." Howard nods as the two pay attention to the conversation again.

"Do I know him?" Zyla asks and Erik sighs, "Yes... it's Aiden."

"Aiden? As in my used to be childhood best friend Aiden?" Zyla asks as her eyes widen a little. She hasn't talked to him in years. 

Erik nods, "Yeah him... his parents are close to Astrid and he found a secret they've been keeping about that night."

"Astrid is your aunt, right?" Demetria asks looking at Zyla for confirmation who nods her head.

"Do you really think he has actual information about her parents or do you think he could be lying?" Demetria then asks Erik.

Erik sighs, "He seems like a good kid... he doesn't seem like the type to lie about something as serious as this... but his parents are good friends with Astrid so anything is possible. This the closest thing I have to a lead and we won't know unless we try."

"I'll go back," Zyla says. "I need to know and I can't hide here forever."

Zyla then looks at Demetria, "And neither can you."

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