chapter three

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"I know where you are" she says knowing spider noir is on the ceiling 'hiding' he's been trying to surprise attack her ever since she met him but it didn't work.

"Every time " he groaned leaving the room after giving her a glare under his mask. She swung over to Miguel.

"Guess who, it's your favorite spider yay" she didn't want to talk about last night's conversation and just pretended like nothing happened.

"I don't have a favorite spider ,I hate you all equally "

"What about Lego spider man?" He shook his head.

"We spotted a new anomaly in Earth-19999 ,I want you to bring it in, the Spider man of that dimension is already on it but he can't do it alone " he finished looking at her just to find her upside down hanging from the ceiling with a web.

"Yes sir " she saluted.

"Get down ,you're gonna hurt yourself "

"Why? you worried about me?what happened to I don't have a favorite spider thing" He pulled her down cutting the web with his clawed.

"Yes he does" said Layla as she appeared behind Miguel so Renee could see her as he opened a portal refusing to let her down.

"I don't-"

"A lot actually-" he cut her off.

"Layla that's enough, you go get the anomaly "he threw her then her skateboard into the colorful portal.


Renee's POV:

The first thing I saw when I got into this dimension is the chaos around the area, I spotted Spider man who was about to be smashed into the ground by a purple creature it's body was covered in clocks with red eyes ,sharp teeth and large wings ,I swung over to them.

"Think fast!" I kicked him in the face ,the other spider man looked at me with wide eye lens probably shocked that there is another spider person like him.

I skated on the creature as it tried to grab me but failed, I crawled on it to sit on its head while,it was still looking for me what a dumb villain.

"Yoho! Mr...umm clock maybe?" The monster grabbed my ankle and hold me upside down while glaring at me.

"Shit" next thing I was thrown to the ground but somehow ended up slammed on a car ,I groaned and looked beside me where my skateboard was thrown it broke.

I swung to help spidey seeing as they were now flying around, I got on the anomaly's back with him.

"Hi I'm-"

"Let me guess, Peter Parker"


"I'm Renee but you can call me Ren" I completely stand on Mr.clock's back shaking hands with Peter as he does the same forgetting about the fact that were like thirty meters off ground.

"Are you a new superhero? or..."

"No I'm from another dimension"

"Woah the multi-verse is real?! That's so cool!"

"I know right!" Each of Us got a hold of a wing webbing them together as we continue nerd-ing.

" Wait why are you here?"

"Oh I'm kinda in a mission to bring this thing right here back to where it belongs "

"Explains the glitching "

"Do you by any chance know someone called the spot?" I say peaking my head at the anomaly.

The anomaly created another portal infront of them and managed to free itself, my pink eye lens widened.

"I'm sorry"

"For what?"

"For this" she pushed him off of the monster's back as i went through the portal with it.

I tried to get a hold of it's head but it kept fighting against me gripe eventually we broke apart as the purple creature threw me to the other way.

I was yelling as she kept free falling from the sky until i hit the ground harshly leaving a hole from the impact of the fall .

Yep ,another day in my life .I thought as i got up groaning, people were screaming and staring at me with shock and fear ,i dusted off my baggy jeans looking around.

People were wearing old fashioned clothes ,cars were different,the buildings-oh no...this thing can time travel, cool!

"Hey kid are you okay?" I looked up at the voice owner ,it was a man with blond hair and blue eyes .

"Who? Me? Oh yeah totally fine never better" he a confused expression on his face he then looked up at the sky where i 'magically' appeared.

"Hi i'm Renee" I extended my hand for a hand shake Wich he accepted hesitately .

"Steve Rogers"

"Okay this is gonna sound weird but did any of you guys see a big purple-" before I can finish my sentence I was thrown away and from the screams of the people I knew it's the anomaly, I turned to the creature it destroyed a building and it was about to fall on the people. Steve was helping them to safety but it wasn't enough.

I ran as fast as I can and just as it was gonna fall I held it up with all my strength and ordered Steve to get people out the way.

As soon as everyone was safe I let the building fall then walked to the anomaly who was getting ready to hit me again.

"Hey girl how's it going?" Jess's hologram popped up infront of me making me jump .

"It's going great I'm on my way" I quickly hung up on her hoping she wouldn't call again.

" kid let's go " Steve tried to 'save me' .

"Thanks, i'll take care of it" I punched the anomaly in the clock that was on its head so that's how it was time traveling.

It flew away. it didn't move.

"YES! HAHA I DID IT WOO!" I said doing a little victory dance.

"Go me ,go me ,go me ,go go go me-" I turned around to find Miguel looking at me with crossed arms.

"Miguellll, i'm-i'm hey! how-how have you been?" I laughed nervously putting my hands on my hips then letting them down awkwardly, he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

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