chapter Six

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"Is that Mr.stark ?" She hid her mask in her pocket and picked up a jacket from the floor to hid her suit.


"I wanna say hi" she started walking to the door.

"No no ,Renee wait!" He tried to grab her arm but she webbed it to the wall and opened the door, a man with a weird looking beard and sunglasses was standing there.


"Who are you? And where is Peter?" He had a glowing thingy in his chest.

"I'm...Robin! And Peter is right here" she pointed behind her at Peter who finally freed himself.

"Peter why didn't you tell me you're having a friend over?"

"I didn't-"

"Sh-sh-sh-sh no excuses, dinner's ready "

"Okay I'll be there " the man looked at him suspiciously then left closing the door, just Renee's gizmos beeped with Hobie's name on the screen, she answered.

"Hey listen I gotta go"

"But-but what am I gonna tell Mr.Stark?" He watched with wide eyes as a colored vortex appeared in front of them .

"I don't know, you gotta figure it out, we all do" she grabbed her skateboard.


"I'll tell you next time, good bye Peter" she waved jumping in the portal.


Miguel was in the lab when Layla appeared in front of him.


"Layla I swear if it's another puppy video I will delete you "

"There's a new canon event" he sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.


"You have to see it"

"I'm not-"

"It's about Renee " he froze for a second then turned to look at the floating hologram figure. He never told her about the canon events and he made sure that nobody does for her own sake, he figured if he gives her missions, she won't ask too many questions, she proved herself to be a great member of the spider society more than once, and that makes Renee Roger the only spider person who doesn't know about the canon events.

He saw her canon event once, and he was left speechless, with wide eyes filled with guilt and regret. He sighed.

It's gonna happen sooner or later.


Tired slow steps padded on the ground as Renee walks home from school, today she stopped tons of robberies before saving a whole plane from falling when a psycho villain thought it was a good idea to do that.

Not cool man.

As she walks ,she thought she heard a hushed whisper, the girl stopped walking and turned around then frowned.

She started walking again shrugging her shoulders ,not even five minutes had passed when she heard it again ,the same hushed whispers.

If there is anyone, her spider sense would alarm her ,right?

She looks around her for the source of the weird creepy noise.

She saw it

A tall shadow figure standing at the end of the road, a gasp fell out of her lips , it's even weirder that nobody seems to notice the giant figure except for her.

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