chapter eight

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"Hey Miggs ,I have a question for you" her cheering voice interrupted his thoughts as she swings over to his high plate form.

"I told you not to call me that" Miguel said in his grumpy voice.

"What's your favorite color?" She asked ignoring him.


"Just a question ''

"I don't have one "

"Oh c'mon, everyone has a favorite color, please " she showed him her best puppy eyes.


"" he gave up but after a few seconds of silence, he turned around and the girl was nowhere to be seen, he sighed and shook his head.

Later that day, he entered his lab again to find her spinning in his chair.

"You are not gonna leave me alone any time soon, are you?"

"No , Layla now!" Suddenly everything was covered in decorations, balloons ,signs and a cake that had his mask drawn on it and had some candles on it.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Miguel was still in shock at the situation, he didn't know what to say or react, he just stood there with wide eyes and slightly parted lips.

"It's July twenty second, your birthday, oh and I got you a surprise!" She was jumping up and down from excitement.

"And what is all of this?" Maybe he was acting a little bit too serious because her smile slowly faded and her arms returned back to her sides.

Renee never forgets anyone's birthday , because she never celebrates her birthday not ever since her mother died, maybe because her dad didn't care about her ;or maybe it would just make her sad ,but she remembered that she used to love her birthday as a child, so to make sure that no one feels the way she did, she made sure to remember all of them and due to her good memory it worked very well.

"...I thought you wouldn't like so many people around so I made it small and simple" his expression softened as her voice got quieter.

"But that...was not necessary, Renee"

"... does that mean you're not gonna open my present?" She had a hurt expression on her face, he let out a long sigh and nodded which caused the girl to smile again, a bright, cheerful smile that warms even the coldest hearts.

"Close your eyes" he obeyed he felt her grab ,his hand and fielding with his wrist.

"Okay, open" he opened his eyes and looked down at his hand and his heart skipped a beat when he saw a blue hand made bracelet with her name on it, his daughter used to make them for him.

"It's a friendship bracelet, I have one too "
she showed him a similar one on her wrist with his name on it ,he had to stop himself from breaking down right then and there, but his silence only made the girl more nervous.

"Do you like it? I made it myself ,I was gonna do a pink one because I love pink but you said you like blu-" he cut off her blabbering.

"It's amazing, thank you Ren" he gave her a sincere smile slightly showing his fangs.

" you are very welcome, you're gonna blow the candles or what? " he chuckled slightly.


Green Goblin crashed another building but Renee was able to catch it with her webs and turned to kingpin.

"Dude seriously, why do you always bring him with you?" The monster wrapped his claws around her and pushed her against the wall.

"You can't stop me spider Ren ,not anymore" kingpin hissed, his workers turned the collider on making the whole building shake, Renee's eyes widened as the beast threw her in the air expecting her to fall in his opened mouth but she stuck into the ceiling and crawled to the control panel to contact her own goober with the collider's system and press the button.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" she was about to press the button but she frowned and turned around to see her father being held by one of Kingpin's men with a gun pointed towards her him.

Shoot! He knows who I am.

"Put the goober down " Green Goblin was able to pin her to the ground again as she was too distracted , Kingpin's men surrounded her.

"Let him go first" she did her best to change her voice so her father wouldn't recognize her.

"The goober" she glanced at her dad ,he shook his head mouthing 'don't' ,she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, one man stepped out to take it and she let him, he gave it to kingpin who crashed it with his large hand.

"Let him go now" the large man looked her and smirked.

"I'm sorry...I lied" he pulled the trigger.

"NO!" She felt anger consume her mind and with all her power she pushed against goblin's claws until she freed herself and kicked him slamming him on the wall , before the best could get up she grabbed a large piece of metal and grazed it through his mouth to the back of his head ,he went limp.

After that she turned to kingpin and his men who were staring at her with shock and fear , her goal was kingpin but he was well protected , despite her injuries she fought and fought and didn't rest not until kingpin was a bloody mess on the floor ,she punched him repeatedly with her power the sound of groaning was the only thing that stopped her deadly attack.

She limped over to her father appealing pressure on his wound.

" sir, you're gonna be okay, just hold on " tears were already running on her cheeks, her father shook his head and pushed her hands away and put a hand on her face.

"Don't worry, I'll always be with little swan" he removed her mask ,her breathing got faster.

"No-no no no you can't go " she sobbed.

"I'll always be with you... always" his whole body relaxed, his eyes became emotionless and his hand fell from her face loosing the warmth forever.

" you can't leave me too... please" no response, she hugged his lifeless body close to her.

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