chapter four

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"I got the anomaly look did you know that he can time travel ?" she pointed at the monster who laid unconscious on the ground.

"No ,where is the other spider man?" He said locking the anomaly in the red cage thingy.

"Oh I pushed him before he entered the portal, I didn't want spiderman of that dimension to die or something" she said walking backwards beside him as he threw the anomaly in the portal sending it to HQ ,he paused then looked at her.

"That's...good job" he nodded, in a second they were both back home walking to his office.

"I know right? I met the other spider man guess what his name is, Peter Parker,crazy I know, he's cool but not as cool as me of course that would be impossible-"

"Did you get hurt?" He asked turning to look at her taking a note on her slightly red eyes and the the bags under them.

"No I don't think so, I broke my skateboard though , oh and I met someone else his name is Steve Rogers, he wears the American flag and he has a shield and-" she was rambling like usual, he had to admit this spider has grown on him ,she has gone through so much yet she still has a shiny personality, she's super smart too, she reminds him of himself a lot in many ways, but he's not gonna admit that to ANYONE.

"_could you imagine? How great is that. Anyway , I have to go see ya" she waved jumping into a portal.


After a full day of hanging with the gang in Pav's dimension, Renee changed from her spider suit to casual clothes then made her way home, she closed the door behind her.

She heard laughters , echoing in the walls of the large house, she froze.

I know that laugh.

Her feet took her to the only room that had a faint light coming out of it , the more she approach the louder the sound gets.

She was met with the face of a beautiful woman in the screen of the TV. She had long brown hair, bright green eyes where all the love and kindness lays, she was smiling at a young girl who was dancing and laughing with her.

Her mother

She found herself walking slowly toward the screen, her hand reached out to feel her mother's cheek but was met with the smooth cold screen.

"She was just like you" a familiar voice cut her off , turning her head to find her father sitting in a chair far from the screen in the dark , he had tears streaming down his face.

Renee stayed silent as tears start building up in her eyes ,she bit her lip as she came and sat next to him and continued watching as her mother danced gracefully with her daughter, their point shoes taping on the wooden floor with laughter echoing in the once bright house.

Renee felt tears fall down her cheeks as her breathing deepened.
She felt a hand brush her cheek wiping the tears ,she turned her head towards her father.

"I'm sorry my little swan I failed you...I'm so sorry" a sob escaped his mouth as she shook her head holding his hand. He didn't call her that since her mom died.

"You don't have-" he cut her off.

"No listen to me...i have been a horrible father, I want you to know that you have done nothing was all my fault, I'm so sorry...I hope you forgive me" she was in so much shock at what her once cold distant father was saying.

She wrapped her arms around him in a big hug
And to her surprise he did the same.

"I forgave you a long time ago, I mean was a bit angry at first but I got over it" he chuckled stroking her hair with his hand.

"You have every right to be" she pulled away to look at him with a smile.

"I will never leave your side again"

"Promise?" She said lifting her pinky.

"Pinky promise my beautiful little swan" they both turned their heads and continued watching the record together.

It was the best day ever


Renee was in a really good mood today, her father was acting like a whole new person, he was nicer ,he actually talked her like more than two words ,he even made her breakfast, BREAKFAST!! can you believe that?! Neither can she.

She arrived at HQ ,she went to her room to her headphones that she forgot last night ,as she was heading out something on the bed  caught her eye

It was a new skateboard

She smiled picking it up and inspecting it ,there was a note on the bed too, it was so cool. She had an idea of who got it for her.


"Hey Jess ,where's Gwen?"

"Oh she said she's visiting a friend don't tell Miguel"

"I won't, Where?"


"Alright thanks" she teleported to the said dimension.

"GWEN LOOK I GOT A NEW SKATEBOARD" Gwen jumped and screamed along with another spider who let out a rather girly scream ,he had a black suit with red out lines that looked like he was bleeding from his armpits and a red spider in the chest area.

"Jesus you scared me Ren" she walked over to the other guy.

"Yoo who's the new fella?"

"Renee, Miles, Miles, Renee"

"You okay buddy, you look like you're bleeding from your armpits " she said doing a handstand on a nearby building.

"It's just his suit"

"Oh" she sat criss cross next to them as their spider sense started going crazy.

"You're a spider too"

"Yeah plus I have ice powers " she created a small snowman in her hand and handed it to Miles.


"Woah that's so cool!"

"I can also manipulate anything that contains water oh and I have a skateboard"

"What about you what's your thing huh?"

"I can turn invisible, I have like electric power"

"That's awesome bro, Gwen I love this guy can we get him?" She cheered throwing her arm around Miles's shoulders.

"I really want him to join us, but you know the rules " they start swinging around the city again.

"He can be so useful to prank war"

"I know"

"Hold on-You guys have a prank war?"


"You were the one who started it"

"Shshsh-sh-sh-sh we don't we don't talk about that" she put a finger to her masked lips while hanging upside down next to them

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