61 | Put The Frosting Down

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Awai Twins[Derived from Irish twins, made up by Author]: The term refers to one mother having two children who were born 12 months or less apart.

Flashback — 13 years ago

. . .

Sasukes first birthday. The little baby that once fit in Mikoto's arms could no longer, he had already began to crawl around on his own and developed a sort of attitude. Nonetheless, he always seemed to be smiling when in the presence of four people. Those were his dad, his mom, his brother, and his sister.

Today he put on an extra big smile when all of those people surrounded him. That, and there was a smash cake as big as his head sitting in front of him.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you~"

Mikoto and Itachi sang the song even though Sasuke wasn't quite old enough to understand what those words meant. This was his first time hearing them. His mother clapped her hands to the beat of the song and Itachi swayed back and forth, his arm wrapped around the six-month-old Keiko while she looked at her second oldest brother in interest. Fugaku sat next to Sasuke with his arms crossed and a smile on his face.

"Happy birthday to youuu."

When the song ended, Mikoto brought up Sasuke onto her thigh, letting him see the full dessert in front of him in which he giggled at.

She looked at her son with admiration and whispered to him, "Make a wish, Sasuke."

Though the baby did not know what that meant, the sight of the dancing flames in front of him made him want to touch it. Something told him not to though. And since he couldn't do that, what better than to blow them away?

So he blew. The mysterious blaze only moved for a second before returning to where they were on top of the candle, making him huff in defeat. He tried again, this time with the help of his mother, and found himself the winner of this battle. He grinned and looked at the woman behind him with an expression that read 'did you just see that!?!?', then did the same thing to his siblings.

Itachi laughed and picked up Keiko's chubby little arm, putting it up in the air to try and show that she was cheering along too.

"I wonder what his wish was." Mikoto said outloud to herself, but looked over to her husband to redirect the statement at him. "What do you think it was, dear?"

"Gosh." the older man let out a hearty chuckle, shrugging and looking over to his older son. "I don't know, I can hardly remember what my wish was last birthday."

She smiled at him at the little joke, then faced over to the seven year old. "Any thoughts?"

"I think his wish has already came true." he said, head motioning over to Sasuke who already had frosting on his nose and a finger in his mouth.

Both parents turned back to him and he looked back up at them with big, innocent eyes. All three of them let out a laugh as Mikoto started to wipe his face with her sleeve. Itachi sat down at the table, Keiko still situated on his arm.

Her attention went from Sasuke to her daughter, and when she finished wiping the frosting away she held out her arms to Itachi. "Let me have Keiko for a second."

Itachi nodded, but the moment he put his hands on her waist to hand her to her mom she clung onto his sweater. Fugaku laughed at this, the older woman sweat-dropping as she watched her daughter choose who she wanted to be with.

"You know Itachi, sometimes it feels like you're her mother. I birthed her yet she only ever wants to be with you." she sighed out, her son pricking Keiko's fingers off his top and giving her to Mikoto.

Keiko whined at the lost of contact, but once she was on her moms other thigh her attention shifted to her dad.

"At least she lets your hold her. Whenever I do, she'll start kicking me after a few minutes." Fugaku voiced out, looking at his daughter while her dark eyes stared at him with an unreadable expression.

"That's because you hold her like a boy." she replied, fixing her daughters diaper while Keiko lost interest in the man and finally noticed the large dessert in front of her. "Girls are much more sensitive than boys are."

"Huh." he spaced out, thinking back to how Keiko would thrash against him whenever he held her. "I guess you're right."

Mikoto smiled, then turning back to her older child. "Just watch Itachi next time. While you teach him those jutsus he can show you how to hold your daughter."

But Itachi paid no attention to their conversation for his eyes fixated on his younger siblings. Expectedly, Sasuke found a way to get even more frosting on his face and fingers. Keiko stared at him judgingly as he reached a whipped-cream covered hand out towards her, and the look on her face read 'back up'. The little girl pushed her brothers sticky hands away while she tried to signal for her mothers attention to get this dude away from her. He studied the two, from the differences to the similarities they shared. One of the bigger contrasts they had was the resemblance they had to the other parent. Sasuke to Mikoto, and Keiko to Fugaku.

At first, Sasuke looked more identical to Fugaku. His skintone and face was comparable to his but as the months passed by he started to look like a male version of his mother.

On the other hand, Keiko inherited her mothers eyes and skin color, though the rough features on her face came from her father. She always looked so fragile yet when put next to her mother you could tell she was not so gentle.


"What is it Itachi?"

"The other day, you and father spoke of something. Awai twins, was it?"

Mikoto looked over at the other adult with wide eyes. "I'm surprised you heard that. It was late and we were whispering." 

The boy said nothing, only sitting there and waiting for an answer. 

"We were putting your siblings to bed," stared Fugaku, and the eyes in the room went to him. "And I mentioned how similar they looked while they're asleep."

"That's when I mentioned that they were Awai twins. That's a term used to cite kids of the same mother that were born with less than a twelve month span." her eyes lit up as she looked down at the two. "Sometimes I think that Keiko was just a little late, and that they were meant to be twins. She was born only seven months following the birth of your brother. I think she wanted her own time to shine."

Keiko hit her hands against her mother, babbling out incoherent words while Sasuke crawled his way over to her. Fugaku reached over the table and picked up the baby who seemed all too happy to escape from the frosting-fingered monster (her brother).

. . . 

~| Shorter chapter than usual, a bit rushed since this was already two days late 😭 Hope you all enjoyed:)

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