02 | The Honored Siblings

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Two elderly siblings. Brother and sister. Lady Chiyo, and Lord Ebizo. The honored siblings of Sunagakure. Both were old, but skilled. They had grown with talent of old age, knowing knowledge most shinobi no longer have whereabouts on.

The two walked through a forest near the borders of Konoha, looking for a special medicinal herb that had just got in season. Ebizo was looking at the roots of the trees, trying to find the special shaped-leaf in order to create more medicine. He searched more, and he found it hiding right behind an acorn.

"Ah-ha! Found you."

He picked it off of it's root and placed it into his basket, finding that it had now been filled.

"Sis, er- I've gotten all of the herbs!"

He waited for his sister to respond, but to no avail.


"Ebizo, come quick! There's someone in the river!"

Her voice was full of worry, and he quickly closed the basket and hurried towards his sister. There was indeed someone in the river. A child, to be exact. A pool of blood circled around it, but it seemed to be alive still.

"Oh dear." He quickly placed the basket down, and helped Chiyo carry the child onto shore.

She was female. Her hair was stained with blood, and her face scrapped. She wore a long sleeve shirt with a symbol on the back, but it was too washed out to make out what the symbol was. She looked tired. Tired, but still alive.

"Is the leaf really crazy enough to let a child go into battle?! Quick, Ebizo, we must get her back to Sunagakure at once! She's dying." Chiyo said, cradling the girl in her arms.

"Yes, of course." he replied, and took some of the herbs from his basket and crumbled it in his hand to place on her wound, "This should numb out the pain for now."

"Let's hurry. We mustn't waste any more time!"

. . .

Keiko woke to the feeling of a soft rag on her back, followed along with a throbbing coming from the back of her head. It felt like she had fallen, and fallen a long way down. She opened her eyes, but was met with an unfamiliar ceiling. She could tell that she was no longer in the compound, but she didn't know why. She tried to sit up, but only managed to get on her elbows.

"Careful there, those are not exactly healed yet."

That voice. She had never heard that before. She turned towards the noise, and was met by the face of an elderly woman. She looked kind, but Keiko was still afraid. Backing up a bit, she looked around the room and observed what was around her. It looked nothing like a building in Konoha. The walls reminded her of how the Hokage tower was shaped.

"W-where am I?" she asked, voice reduced to a whimper. "Who are you?"

The woman regained composure, placing a small smile on her face. "My name is Chiyo. But you can call me Granny if you'd like."

"How- How long have I been out?" she asked while rubbing her head, feeling the numbness start to reside.

"A week."

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