Far away from home

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Time line ; A day before Luffy meet Sabo

"Why you both wet?" A woman with a dark green hair with a bandana on top of her head ask her adoptive children that is soaking wet and looking down from shame "We fall on a pond.." said her oldest child as water driping down her red burgundy hair to the now wet floor, she let out a sigh as she shake her head "and how do that happend?" And as if that words triger them to point at eachoter as they look up to their mother "Its her fault!" Both of them yell at the same time, she let out a light chuckle in respond "ah dear, don't go and blame eachoter now. Come on, let's dry you both" She smile softly at her children.

As they walking back toward their room she lead them into the bathroom and bathe her youngest child, her navy blue hair ware soaking wet and have some stick stuck on it. While the oldest bathe her self, as she bathe her youngest child she glance at her oldest once a while.

As she finish bathe her youngest child she look at her oldest child to found she already wrap her self with a towel "Yami, can you please lend me your sister's towel?" She ask her, Yami look toward her then take a towel from the drawer and give it to her mother "Here you go, Makino-san" She mumble quietly as Makino rufled her hair after that she wrap the towel to her youngest child.

"I'll go work on the bar now, take care of your sister for me okay?" She smile softly at her child as she got a head nod in respond, she kiss both of their forehead before walking out from the bathroom.

Both Yami and her sister go to their share room as they walk to their each wardrobe and grab their clothes from there.

Once they finish putting their clothes on the both glance at eachoter "Forest?" The oldest ask "Forest!" The youngest said with excited tone as she smile brightly at her sister.

Once they get in the forest they look around and found a flower fields and play around there. "Yami! Come here!" The youngest call out her sister as Yami run toward her to found ware making flower crown "Woah i didn't know you knew how to make that, Sora" she look at the flower crown on her sister's hands as she sit beside her, Sora look up at her sister and smile brightly. "I made this for you!" She said as she put the flower crown on top of Yami's head, Yami look at her sister and smile "Thanks" she said.

After a few hour pass she notice its getting dark so they walk toward the forest full of tree and try to search the exit, but luck is not in their side right now and they notice it once they didn't found the exit after a few more hour and now its very dark in the forest, Sora look around as she grip her sister's arm trying to get close as posible with Yami to make her feel save.

"Y-Yami...why we still in the forest..? Whare is the exit..?" Sora ask with shaky voice, Yami look back at her sister that is trembling slightly from fear. Yami swallow hard as she try to calm her self "don't worry.. we're close.." she mumble as she feel her hands is trembling slightly, she ware lying for Sora's own good knowing she got both of them Lost.

They shiver once they hear a deep growl from behind them, they slowly look at their back to found a big tiger that is looking down at them. The oldest can't seems to rip a scream from her throat as she look up at the tiger, she lost the color from her face as she feel her legs getting weaker. Meanwhile with the youngest scream on top of her lungs as she grab her sister's arm and drag her sister with her, she ware running very fast as the tiger quickly lost the sight of both of them.

"W-wait! Sora i see a cabin! I think they can help us" the oldest said once she finally found her voice again and regain her consciousness back and stop her sister by tugging her arm, Sora look back at her sister as she pant from all the running she did. "Are you sure it will be save there..?" She ask her sister as she look up at her questioning her choice, unsure of it "i'm sure, plus if they do anything to you i'll kick their butt!" Yami said proudly and full of confidence, but deep down she as worry as Sora but they have no other choice but to do it.

As they walk toward the cabin Yami knock on the door, after a while of waiting and no answer both of them look at eachoter and frown so Yami knock the door a bit harder and louder this time wich they got a groan in reply and a few cursed word "i don't like it here.." said Sora as she hold her sister's hand for protection "its okay...its okay i'm here" Yami mumble as she keep staring at the door waiting for the door to be open by anyone.

Once the door opend by a big tall women with an orange curly thick hair that have a cigarette in her mouth who look pissed. She look around to find no one at the door until two tiny hands wave at her from below, she look down to found two children. One have a long navy blue hair and soft yellow eye color while the other one have a short red burgundy hair and a slight darker yellow eye color. "What?" The woman said with hars tone "u-uhm..we got lost..is it okay if we.. uhm.. stay here for the night..?" The oldesr ask, she was unsure if the women will help them but it won't hurt to give a try right? Well that what she tought.

"And why would i let you stay here? Don't you know who am i?!" She grumble as she narrow her eyes at the children, the oldest flinch at the sudent change of tone. The youngest frown by the women's loud noise, she didn't like it if someone tell at her sister like that not even slightly.

"You're a mean old man!" She yell as she go infront of her sister, her sister's eyes widened by her sister's words "who you calling old? and i'm a woman you damn brat!" She glare at the child as the child glare back at her, seems to not scared by her appearance "you! I'm saying you're an old man! Don't yell at my sister like that!" She said as she puff her cheeks and narrow her eyes at her, the woman could feel her eye twitching from anger and having the urge to hit her in the head "i- i'm sorry for her ma'am, please let us stay.. we'll leave once its morning.." Yami said as she hide her sister behind her as she look up at her with pleading eyes.

The woman seems to try to fight the urge letting them in, deep down she pity the children but she not letting another brat rent free in her place. "Sora..can you use 'that' right now?" The oldest whispered to her sister but try her best to make it not to obvious "do we need too?" Sora whisper back to her sister as she glare at the woman who now look confused by why the children became so quiet all of sudent. When she didn't get a reply from her sister she let out a sigh and soften her eyes at the woman and look at her with pleading eyes.

"I'm sorry ma'am..i don't know what get into me..can you please let us stay for one night? We'll be good.." she whimper as she hug her sister's arm closer to her "we won't be a burden! We promise!" Yami continue as she look at her with a puppy dog eyes.

The woman clenched her jaw as she sweatdrop by their appearance, she close her eyes shut as she let out a deep sigh. "Fine, but your parents or guardian own me" she said with a glare at the end, oh dear she just a sweet old woman who have soft spot for children..how cute.





Hello!:) thanks for reading. I'm bored so i was thinking of making this story for a while, so if you have question please just ask!^^

Also i'll explain some things while we're at it right now:)

Yami and Sora is not sibling by blood.

Yami is 10 here while Sora is 7 in here. Their relationship with Makino is that she adopted both of them, i'll show you guys their backstory soon enough:)

Also, please tell me if i made a spelling mistake. Don't be shy just tell me i spell it incorect cause english is not my first language^^"

Once again, thank you for reading this!!^^

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