New Home?

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As morning came the bandits and Grap still sleeping on the floor, Dadan be the first one to wake up as she yawn loudly. With half-asleep state she turn her head toward a note on the wall that said 'We will stand on our feet' and a 'ASL' for the sign and there also another note under it saying 'We also comming with them!' It said as it now being sign with 'Soya' on the paper.

It took her more than a minute to realize, once she realize she scream as loud as she could, waking up the bandits and Grap in result.

"What should we do about these?" Dadan ask Grap who just yawn while scratched his chest in a tired maner before he take the notes from Dadan's hands, he plucked his ear with his little finger while reading the notes "How smart-alecky of them" he said while looking at the brothers note before turning toward the two sisters note "But i won't think they would come too" Grap said in a rather casual maner making Dadan and the other bandits sweatdrop.

"How could you not care? The brothers are infamous even at downtown! And Makino's children comming with them! Anyone will try to kill them on sight if they aren't sheltered by us!" Dadan said in a worry tone, tough after she explain it Grap walk out the cabin with his hands on his pockets "My vacation is over!" He said as he walk away casualy.

"You have got to shape them to a full-fledged Navy men when i come back!" He add while he continue walking "Are you gonna leave everything to me again?!" Dadan yells but one only glace from Grap she quickly change her personality, she wave a handkerchief while smiling at him "Take care!" She said with a rather sweet smile on her face.

Once Grap is out of their sight Dadan throw the handkerchief to the ground out of anger "How can a bandit raise a Navy solders?! That geezer doesn't know what he is saying!" She yells out of anger "Easy, boss" Magra said as he trued to calm his boss "So you are worrying about those kids after all" He continue as if he taunting her making Dadan blush from embarressment as she sent kick to his chin.

"Who cares? Come to think of it, this is good for us. They left voluntarily, oh i'm glad" Dadan said as she lay down om the cabin floor as she smile brightly.

Meanwhile with the children, they stop running once they tought they are far anough from the cabin "We got away successfully!" Luffy announce "They are not comming, Dadan and the others" Sabo reply as he look toward Luffy while Ace look toward the track they just walk trough.

"I can tell that she is happy now because her troubles have gone away!" Ace reply with a smile until he could feel a rain drop on his cheek making all the children look up. "It's about to rain..." Sora comment as they could see gray coulds on the sky.

They quickly run to find a shelter until Yami stop running, she look toward the other four to see them take shelter in a hole under a tree. She could heard a meowing sound so she follow where the meowing came from, after a while she found a black kitten.

She look around to see if there someone was there only to found none, she approach the cat only to sneeze "Right... my allergies" she mumble, she about to leave cat to take shelter with her friends but the cat meowing continue and it sound like it in pain.

She turn toward the cat once again before letting out a sigh "I can't let you die in this rain" she mumble as she carry the kitten in her arms, she cover the cat with her shirt before she run toward where her friend was waiting with the kitten in her arms while sneezing along the way.

Once Yami reach the place where her friends is waiting Sora quickly walk toward her "Where have you been?!" She ask as she shake Yami rapidly but stop once she heard Yami sneeze "you catch a cold already?" Sabo ask as she look toward the two girls.

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