Grap Little Visit

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"We have got to kick the brats out!" Dadan said with a visible eye bags on her eyes while she talk to her underlings, Dogra and Morga "If nothing is done, they are gonna take over the Dadan family!" She grumble as she look toward the two "First of all, it's ruining my health!"she said with narrow eyes "Easy there boss" Magra said as he tried to calm his boss down "They have gotten control over us for a long time!" Dogra butt in before Dadan slam her fist to the ground "Shut up! It's just i can't look after them anymore! Yes, i'm going to kick them out!" She hissed at both of them with a glare as she keep her fist on the ground "Forget about the agreement with Grap!" She protest as she put both of her fist to the air.

"Hey!" Some old man voice call them out making Dadan gap 'Garp?!' She though her self before she quickly bow down to the ground infront of the man's foot "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, i don't know what made me said it!" She plead while she repeatly bow down her head without really open it.

"Excused me, i heard that Luffy is here" a soft voice said to Dadan, comming beside the man making Dadan finally lift her head up to see the two people only to see a girl with dark green hair with a basket in hand and an old man with a glare on his face.

Wich make Dadan look at them with dumbfound look "Hello Dadan-san!" A familiar girls said to her with a bright smile on their face wich make Dadan look more dumbfound at them, while Dadan tried to recover her self Luffy come out from the cabin while running toward the younger woman with a smile.

"Makino!" He yell as he run before he hug the woman "Luffy!" Makino said with a bright smile as she return the hug happily "You look great!" The old man said with a smile on his face "It's been six months, so we come here to see how you doing" he add as she pat Sora's head who is close to him "These two told us that you're here" he continue with a chuckle "Hey, Mayor!" Luffy greet with a bright smile until he notice Sora and Yami and give them a wave "Don't tell Garp-san" Makino said with a sly smile as she put her index finger infront of her lips as she wink at him "So you really living with the bandits" the Mayor said with a sigh as he glare at Dadan and two of her underlings.

"You got a problem?" Dadan ask as she cross her arms over her chest "Yes, a big one, you're a bandit! Don't give me attitude!" The Mayor reply as his tone getting harsher "What?! Is all the people from Windmill Vilage all annoying?" Dadan reply back as she glare at the Mayor meanwhile with the other, "Sora, Yami, and i have a present for you!" Makino said as she clap her hands together before she start rummaging inside the basket she bring with her.

"I assume that Grap wouldn't think of these things" She said as she pull out a shirt out of her basket, it have yellow for it's dominat color and a purple star on the middle "Here it is, new clothes!" She said chearfuly as she show the shirt to him "Oh, great!" Luffy said with a big smile "We glad you like them" Makino smile "I'll adjust the length so... i need you guys too. Okay?" She continue as she turn her head toward the cabin door where Sabo and Ace is peeking through, when she turn toward them it caugh them off guard and make them flinch slightly.

After a while Sabo run toward Makino with a smile "Oh- hey!" Ace call out but he stop when Sabo already out his reach, he glare at the women and Sabo while crossing his arms.

"You to" Makino said with a gentle smile on her face while she holding a shirt on her hands, making Ace clicked his tongue and turned his head away from hers as a visible red hue can be seen on his face before he walk toward the women.

"I heard from Yami and Sora that Ace is was mischievous..." Makino start as she measure Ace's clothes infront of him "But you seem like a good boy" she add as she look up at Ace with a close eyes smile making the boy turn his head away from hers once again, the red hue on his face getting more darker as more sweat driping from his forehead as he heard the woman's comment.

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