Saving the straw hat boy

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'Mountains of trash' what Yami and Sora thinking when they saw the gray terminal. They look around for a while until they hear a familiar scream.

"It hurt! I'm scared! Help me!" He scream, they look at eachoter and blink. They blink like they're doing a morse code before they walk closer toward whare they suspect the sound came from.

They peek to the crack of the small cabin but quickly hide after they saw the underlings of Bluejam pirate run out from the cabin, once they gone they peek into the crack once again only to see Luffy being punch.

His trembling body being tie up that make him look like a punching bag. Blood comming out from his head as he look down, he close his eyes shut as tears is comming from his eyes.

While Porchemy wearing a spiked gloves on his hands that cover with blood, he look at the straw hat boy with a dark glare.

"I'll ask you once again, whare is the money?!" He yell at the poor boy, Luffy start shaking his head rapidly "i won't tell you!" He scream as more tears comming out from his eyes, Pochemy look at the boy with anger as he punch the boy with the gloves as the result splattered blood is on the floor.

Yami and Sora look at the scene with horror, Yami look down at Sora with a slight frown on her face "you stay here, i'll try to get the boy out" She murmured as she quietly crawl toward the two who cover with blood, she sneek behind the big man and take out her dagger from her pocket and stab his neck.

The man let out a loud pained groan as he hold into his bleeding neck, he is big that making him only wounded, once he let his guard down Yami quickly go toward Luffy and try to get Luffy out from the rope.

Luffy notice the young girl as she try to get him down yet she cannot jump high to reach him, Porchemy finally process what happening and grab the little girl by her colar and bring her to his eyes level.

He glare at her "What the fuck do you think you're doing little missy? Don't you think its rude to stab someone from behind" he growled at her as she look at him horror, the color of her face drain "i- uhm- i-its an a-accident?" She sutter out as while giving him a nervous smile.

While the other two are talking Luffy still trying to get out from the rope only to failed miserably, Yami got tie up with him. While both of them hanging while tied up with eachoter Sora watch from distance.

"So little missy, are you a friend of this straw hat boy?" Porchemy ask the girl, she look down to the floor "i . . ." She try to get the words out as she look up to look at where her sister supose to, Sora look at her with tears in her eyes.

Yami let out a sigh as she look up at Porchemy with a glare "yes, he is. So what the problem is?" She hissed at him, Luffy look at her with dumbfound but didn't protest "oh? So does that mean you also a friend of Ace?" Porchemy said with amused look, she shake her head rapidly "i- i don't know him" she grumble, she glare at him as if she trying to act brave.

Porchemy narrow his eyes at her as he try to search for a sign if she is lying "as if i believe a little brat like you, tell me where he put the money" he growl as he put his fist infront of her face as if he try to scared her off, she flinch but didn't said anything.

Sora could hear her sister's scream as she look into the crack from the door, she is trembling but still watch. She want to help but didn't know how, her sister's eyes is narrow toward the man with her head bleeding.

The blood drop to the floor as she bite her lip to stop her from letting out a cry, she notice Sora and quickly let out a sigh while closing her eyes. She open it and look at Sora with a frown and start blinking and her blinking seems to be on pattern.

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