The dreamer's dream

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In one wintery day, the five children were trying to catch someting for them to eat.

"Sabo! He's coming to you, don't let him get away!" Yell Ace as he continue to run after a bear with his pipe in his hand "Okay, i won't!" Sabo yells back at Ace, following the bear from behind. Once the two male and the bear is out of the woods, high cliff block the bear's path.

"Yes! We drove him to the bay!" Ace said as he grin, he continue to chase after the bear with Sabo running beside him "Luffy! Get ready!" Yell Sabo as both him and Ace making the bear run closer toward the cliff while Luffy, Yami, and Sora is standing on top of it.

As the bear getting closer to the cliff Luffy grin at the sight "Here he is" Yami warn as she look down at the running bear while Sora looking down at the bear with Kiki who is resting on top of her head "Let's go!" Luffy yell before he jump down the cliff but he stumble along the way.

The bear who seeing Luffy on his way toward him turning it's head back only to meet with Ace and Sabo who waiting for it, both of them grin in a sinister way as they griping into their pipe "You can't get away!" Yells Luffy while he galling toward the bear, once he fall he use his head to aim it at the bear's stomach wich make it slowly unconscious from both the impact and the way it's head hit a rock.

Luffy pant heavily as he look toward the uncounscious bear, positive that it's fully uncounscious Luffy let out a giggle "Yes! I got him!" He said as he jump from happiness. Yami and Sora slowly go down from the cliff toward the other three, looking toward the now unconscious bear "Great job, Luffy!" Sora praise as she poke the bear with a stick.

"We got two of them today" Ace said with a smirk as he look toward Luffy "We can make alot of danpa soup" Ace continued as he turn toward Sabo with the same smirk on his face "Yeah!" Sabo reply with a smile.

"I did it! I did it!" Luffy repeat as he jump around the unconscious bear, Yami just chuckle as she saw the scene while Sora sit in top of the bear's back.

But little did they know something is watching them as it slowly step closer to them, making a sound in the snow from each of it's step "I made a kill for the first time! Yeah!" Luffy said enthusiasticly as he continue to jump around the bear with a bright smile on his face.

The other four just smile at the scene until Sabo and Ace notice something behind the other three, on top of the cliff "Wha- hey! Look!" Sabo said as he point toward the cliff with his pipe "Luffy, Yami, Sora! Watch your back!" Sabo yells out wich make the three confused and look over their shoulder "our back?"

A big tiger can be seen by them on top of the cliff, watching them from above with a menacing gaze as it let out a low growl "A big kitty!" Sora said in a rather excited voice but Luffy quickly correct her "A big tiger!" Luffy said in a fearful tone while Yami stare at the tiger with wide eyes 'isn't that the tiger that make me and Sora lost in the first place?!' Yami thought herself.

"He caught wind of our prey" Ace mutter as he grip tightly into his pipe, looking at the tiger with a glare "You guys! Get away from there! He just want the danpa!" Sabo warn as he look toward the three with worry, Yami who quickly drag Sora with her toward Ace and Sabo but Luffy refuse to even move an inch away from the danpa.

The tiger jump down the cliff to the front of Luffy who have tears in his eyes, fighting the urge to cry from fear right now "That's my prize! I'm not gonna let you have it!" Luffy yells to the tiger as he tried to protect the bear from the tiger's hungry gaze by hitting the tiger's head with the pipe repeatly.

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