Bad sens of direction

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Time line: the day Luffy found out about Ace and Sabo's pirate savings

When Sora finally finish showering they go to the kitchen to find the woman already making some food. They still wearing the same clothes from yesterday, cause they didn't really bring any clothes with them nor like the plan to be lost in the woods. They look at eachoter and walk closer to the woman and tug her shirt wich make her startle and look down to the children, the tilted their head at the same time at the woman wich she respond with titling her head too. They stare for a eachoter for a few scond until Yami decide to break the ice.

"What are you cooking miss?" She ask as her gaze turn to the stove, she notice some meat there. "None of your business, don't you said you'll leave once its morning?" The woman said as she scoff and turn her focus on the food she ware cooking "let me help you cook!" The oldest said with a bright smile "you knew how to cook, hm young one?" She ask with an amused look while looking down at her.

She reply with a head nods as she go closer to the women and start helping out, after a few minute or so they learn that the woman's name is Dadan, they finish cooking food. Yami told Dadan that her mom teach her how to cook, Dadan was impressed by Yami's cooking skills somehow she can make an eatable food.

Dadan somehow make them eat first before they go, after eating they say goodbye to Dadan "Bye Dadan-san!" Both of them said as they wave their little hands at her and start walking toward the forest to search the exit.

"Did you tell the children whare the exit of the forest is?" Ask one of her followers and with that Dadan sweatdrop forgeting something importand once again.


"Woah, you got alot, much more than me! Thats alot of money! How did ya get that?" Ask a blondie who have a tooth missing looking up at his friend with amazed look "i rob some thugs near the main gate!" The raven hair said with a grin on his face "Darn, you won again!" Said the blondie as he counting on the money the raven just stole "it doesn't matter if you win or lose, its been five year since we started to put money in our 'pirate savings'." The raven said as he look down at their 'pirate savings' with a soft smile in his face "we work hard on it" he look up at his friend with a smile.

His friend grin at him and nods his head "yeah, we did!" He said as he start to stand up and watch the the scenery in front of him with a proud grin "we gonna leave East Blue and go somewhere these people have never dreamed of. Its exciting just to think about it!" He said still having a grin on his face.

"Now put it away, we can't let anyone see it" the raven said with to his friend as he glance over him "i wonder how much we need to get a pirate ship" the blonde one said as he put away the money into a storage that made in the tree branch "i don't know 10 million or 100 milion, maybe?" The raven estimates, he look up from their saving toward his friend with a smile "long way to go" the blonde one smirks at his friend's estimates.

"A pirate ship?" Ask an excited voice wich the blonde one quickly close their storage and both of them quickly look whare the voice come from "You guys, are you gonna became a pirates?" Another raven hair ask, the difference is he wear a straw hat on top of his head "i'm going to became one, too!" He said with a big smile on his face while he look up at the other boys on the tree trunk, while he said that the other two look at him with horror.


"So you're saying that we forget to ask her for the direction??" Sora look up at her sister with a glare, Yami could only sweatdrop by the question while she still holding her sister's hand as she continue walking around the forest trying to find a way out.

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