Running away

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Punching and blood splatering sound can be hear from outside of the cabin where one of Bluejam pirate held Luffy and Yami hostage, they look like his punching bag from how he tie both of them up "Spit it out already!" Porchemy said with a small laugh at the end, he seems to lose his mind cause how both of them didn't answer his questions.

"Porchemy-san, its no use on doing it anymore!" One of his underlings said with worry tone wich Porchemy stop and pant heavily while looking toward the porson who saying it "they doesn't even have the energy to scream anymore!" He adds once he think Porchemy finally listen to him.

Luffy could only sobs as he look down to the ground, his body is shaking as his face is full of wounds and bloods from all the punching Porchemy did to the boy while using the spiked gloves while doing so while Yami is not better than him, she never plan on doing this but she feel pity for the boy 'my dagger..where is it..' the only thing she ware thinking what can help them out.

"I bet he won't say anything, and to he honest i cannot stand watching it, its too cruel! Show some mercy!" Porchemy's underling said hopping he would listen to him but instad he got a punch fly to his face "look for Ace and Sabo if you have time to speak for the kids! We're the one who in danger can't you see!? We're already late to give the money to Captain Bluejam!" Porchemy said as if he try to remind the underling who is really in danger.

(A/n:  (╰ ︿ ╯)o ︻┳デ═— bitch what-)

More punching and blood splatering sounds could be heard loud and clear from the outside while Yami and Luffy could only cry silently holding back the pains "answer me!" Porchemy now sound frustrated cause lack of reply they giving him "i won't say.." Luffy weakly whisper, Yami could only stay quiet. "You little badass! Stop keeping secrets like a grown-up!" Porchemy scream as he throw more punch toward Luffy, Yami could only flinch as she feel Luffy being punch.

Porchemy look like he could explode from all the anger Luffy gave him as he pant heavily before glaring up back at the boy "Say. It!" Scream Porchemy "i won't said it!" Luffy said in weak tone as both him and Yami dangle from his punching.

"I won't said it!" Luffy repeat "i won't said it!" He repeat once again wich only make a tic mark apear on Porchemy's forehead as he look at the boy with pure anger "i won't said it!" The boy repeat yet once again.

Porchemy stay quiet for a few second before relaxing his posture, Yami was thinking he finally will let both of them go "fine, enough" he mumble as he take off the gloves and throw ot across the room, its give Yami a false hope when she saw him grabing his sword and slowly walk back toward them.

Luffy is to tired from all the scream he do wich make him not notice what Porchemy do meanwhile Yami's eyes go widened as she look at the swords with fear she quickly look around in hope to find her dangger anywhare.

Once Porchemy is infrom of them she glare down at both of them "then you both will die." He growl, both of them could only gritted their  teeth ready to feel the worst kind of pain before Porchemy slashed his sword to them but got stopped by something or someone sudently crash into the cabin, destroying the wall in process.

All gaze turn toward whare the sound come from to see two boy who hit the wall with their pipe, seems like the wall didn't really that strong. "DON'T!" Scream the two boy as they go and hit the underlings "Move aside!" The freckeld boy said as he hit the head of the Bluejam underling wich sent him flying to the wall.

He glare at the other two underlings after sent the first one flying "that him Porchemy!" Said the one who have no scratch "He stold out money, darn you!" Said the other one who have alot of bandage on his arm while pointing at the boy with his unbandaged hands "What?" Porchemy ask with dark tone.

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