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Two male are looking back and forth at the five children on the floor who sleeping close to eachoter, looking so confused Dogra break the silent by asking; "Why are they wounded? They are all bandaged!" While Magra looking at three children, a blonde, a navy blue hair, and a red burgundy hair.

Sudently Dogra scream "WAAAH! Boss! We have a problem!" Wich Dadan grunt in reply before she answer "Mh? Its still early, what's wrong..?" She ask with a tired tone. "Uwah.. what's going on here?!" She ask once she in the room where Dogra and Magra waiting "one.. two.. three.. four.. huh?" Dadan start counting, trying to make sure her eyes didn't fool her "one.. two.. three... four.. huh?" And yet again she counting, seems to not believe in her own eyes "Ace.. Luffy.. Yami.. Sora.. huh?" She mumble, not sure about her own calculations "Ace, Luffy, Yami, Sora... huh?" She keep on repeating the words over and over again before she recover "Ace! Luffy! Who is that?!" She yell at the sleeping children.

Sora and Yami quickly wake up from the loud noise and glare at the woman who just scream, Luffy wake up after as he still half asleep "Hah? Who is who?" He ask before he fall on his back again and fall asleep as Ace sit up and look toward the woman with a tired look "it's still early, you are too loud!" Ace protest before he did the same as what Luffy just did while it's Sabo turn to sit up, making the blanket fall on his lap while he still half-asleep and without saying anything he fall back and fall asleep.

Yami and Sora who just watching the scene stays quiet, founding the whole situation amusing but they still doesn't like the fact they woken up by the woman stand infront of them.

"How come there is one more kid? And you two, ain't you two supose to be at the village already?" Dadan ask as she look toward the two girl "this dummy forget to ask for the direction" Sora point at Yami who sweatdrop by how bluntly she is.

Dadan sigh, knowing it her fault also so she turn toward the blonde child "now, who the hell are you?" She ask him as she narrow her eyes at the child making him sit up while rubbing his eyes tiredly "huh, you talking about me?" He ask with a sleepy tone "i'm Sabo, hey! You must be Dadan!" He said as he quickly turn his tired face to a bright smile "Sabo? I've heard your name before!" Dadan claim as she look down toward the boy "oh, yeah? That make it easier, thank you for taking care of me today!" He said as he grab her hand to shake it but quickly got slap away by her " 'Taking care'? Don't tell me that you're going to stay here.." Dadan frown as she put her hands on her hips.

Sabo only answer her with a fart while grinning at her wich make Dadan, Yami, and Sora cringe "don't answer me with a fart!" She yell at the boy with an irritated expresion, Sabo only reply with a giggles before he let out another fart.

"Ewww" Yami and Sora comment as they pinch their nose wich make Luffy and Ace amused "You must be kidding. I heard that you're a worthless brat too!" Dadan said while glaring at Sabo "Oh yeah!i heard that you're a worthless old bag too!" Sabo reply with a smile as he fart once again wich make Sora and Yami cringe more, seem unbother by how the lady call him.

Hearing his reply Dadan's underlings fall from the boy's blunt words as for Dadan her mouth gap from the boy's words "That's unnecessary information!" She protest wich Sabo only smile at her "I don't want to look after one more brat!" She grumble as she put her hands on her hips "But i heard that you are a good, worthless old bag... Because you can't refuse a request" Sabo reply with a smile "i heard that you are a truly manly worthless old bag!" Sabo add with a big smile on his face.

" 'Truly manly' , i'm a woman! Not a gender bender!" Dadan glare at the boy once she hear what he said to her. Sabo could only giggle at her words as he keep the big smile on his face, making Dadan keep her glare on him as a sweat drop on her forehead. As Sabo keep smiling at her with an innocent look Dadan's sweat increase as she keep glaring at him until she give up and let out a loud sigh.

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