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As night come all of them fall asleep peacefuly, the night was calm. Altought it's a peaceful night, Yami tossing and turning in her sleep while frowning slightly.

. . . .

It's a peaceful morning in the Village, some children are playing together near the seashore of their island.

"Yami! Catch!" Said a boy as he throw a ball at one of the girl while giggling happily, the girl catch the ball before she throw it back at the boy.

While the other is making sand castels with the beach's sand "Sora, can you help me make this tower for my castel?" A girl as as she pout when she look down at the tower of the castel she tried to make, Sora look up from her castel that she were making before nodding her head.

"Okay, let me teach you" she said as she approach the girl before she start teaching her how to make the castel. The day was going great for them, but it didn't last long before disaster befell them.

A big ship approaching their island, the children saw it and look toward the ship "Ooh! Look at that ship! It look cool!" Said the boy who holding the ball while pointing at the ship.

The ship start getting closer, closer, and closer. "That ship look like it's heading this way" said another boy who is playing sand castel with the two girls.

The ship is big, have a skul mark on the sails. Yami the one who realized that it was a pirate ship, being a history lover she is she would tought it was one of the pirate in the story she read.

"It's a pirate ship!" Yami said with excited tone while smiling, the other children look at her before looking toward the ship with awe "it look cool in real life than i saw on the story book!" The boy with the ball said.

Yami agree and nods her head while Sora narrow her eyes at something in the ship "Yami, what's that? The one that man's holding?" She ask her friend as she point at one of the man that is aiming cannon at them.

Realizing that man aiming the cannon at the, Yami's eyes quickly widen "H-he aiming a cannon at us!" She said with trembling voice "What?" The other would ask, before Yami could tell them to run, the cannon already hit the spot where they standing.

Lucky enough it didn't hit them bad enough to kill them "Run!" Yami scream before she quickly run toward their village while the other four is following her close behind.

Once they reach the village they tried to warn the people "Ah, you guys playing pirate this time?" One of the elder said as she patted the boy's head who is still holding a ball in his hand "what? No! We telling the truth! Please listen to us!" The boy plead as he point toward the forest, the people in the village only laugh as they think the children are adoroble.

Until they heard a gun shot. All of the people freeze in spot when they heard it, one by one pirates comming into their village.

"Stay where you are" the captain of the pirate demand as he point his sword toward the people in the village, they obey him instadly as the pirates start to move around the village.

They enter the houses as if it were theirs and take evrrything that is valuable and put it into a bag, the captain look around among the people.

"Boys! Take the villager into the ship! We'll sell them in the Sabaody!" The captain yells wich the pirates obey and start pushing the people toward the ship.

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